Friday, November 14, 2008

Post-op Day 10.

KayTar is healing up wonderfully!

She is off the narcotics.

Her g-button site is looking great. No redness or inflammation.

She isn't experiencing any tenderness with her feeds.

Her biopsy bandage came off today and it is healing nicely. She's hardcore now, what with the belly piercing and wicked leg scar.

Chances are, she will be back in school next week!

She still has a touch of the death breath from the T&A surgery. It is a sad day when you think your kiddo has a dirty diaper, but alas, you realize it is just the smell of her not-so-sweet morning breath. Blech!

She still isn't taking much of anything by mouth, a few sips of fluid per day and today she had a Pringle or two, but she's still getting everything she needs.

All in all, the recovery has been so much easier than I feared. Outside of a few heartbreaking moments like waking up post-op and saying, "I'm broken." or drawing that crying self-portrait, we've both fared well. She's handled it all in typical KayTar-fashion, with smiles and giggles all along the way. I'm glad she's on the other side of it all and life can start to get back to normal around here...or our approximation of normal, at least, whatever that is!


flutter said...

death breath...poor kid

InTheFastLane said...

normal is as normal does...
And you and KayTar are so getting there.

Anonymous said...

I'm just so happy she's doing so well only 10 days out. What an amazing kid! Here's to going back to school.

Christine said...

my child has death breath from her MASSIVE tonsils. yuck.

i'm so glad K. is healing nicely.

sheree said...

SO happy to hear normalcy is returning. How fabulous that KayTar can go back to school as soon as next week! :)

Gwen said...

Glad to hear you've made to the other side of the mountain.

Anonymous said...

So glad it's over and things are making their way back to "normal."

Woman in a Window said...

It's like the new beginning of the whole new chapter. Yay!

~aj~ said...

That is wonderful news!

Kristin said...

Hooray! I'm so glad to hear how well it's going.

Too bad about the breath, though. Gotta get something down that hole for her to make it smell different. :)

mamatulip said...

The one thing I remember from Julia's tonsillectomy was her breath. I think Oliver's turn will be somewhere in the near future, and I'm dreading the breath.

But I'm so glad KayTar is healing so well. Bravo!

Mimi said...

death breath. i like it! no wait -- i mean, i like the expression. definitely do NOT like death breath. shudder.

alejna said...

Hurray for the healing! (And ugh about the breath. I hope it passes soon.)

Beck said...

I'm so relieved to hear how well she's doing. Keep it up.

Aliki2006 said...

Poor kiddo...I"m glad all's on the mend, though! And hooray for maybe being able to go back to school!

painted maypole said...

he - I'm sick with a fever and sore throat, and fear that no matter how many times I brush my teeth I have "death breath" too.

Jaden Paige said...

Hey, at least she has an excuse for HER death breath... Sometimes my little gets it with no apparent cause. ICK!

So glad everything is slowwwwly getting back to normal for your family!