One story is not mine to tell. Though, if it were made into a TV show, I'd have a few lines...maybe make an appearance in a scene or two. This story is actually a story I've seen played out on television more than once. It's the sort of situation that makes me wonder if somehow I've slipped into a parallel universe or wandered onto a sound stage somewhere without realizing it.
The second story is mine and it will be told, but this isn't the right time. I wish I could write about it, I long to pull the thoughts from my mind and store them here for a while, but I can't. Not yet.
It has been the kind of week that leaves you bursting with thoughts, yet speechless. Constipation of the mind. The thoughts churn through my mind, the pressure building...insult added to injury. The kind of week where I find myself scrutinizing my backside in the mirror, certain that eventually I will be able to see the cosmic bullseye that must be painted back there. It has been a week to remember, that's for sure.
I wish I could offer something more than this, but my tongue is firmly tied and my mind can't quite focus on anything other than what I simply cannot say. Instead--HEY LOOK! CUTE KIDS!

I am here and reachable if you do feel the need to talk.
You're in my prayers in a serious way, babe.
if you need anything at all, Kyla...
Thinking about you hon. xoxo
He is a good brother.
I hope next week is better...
thinking about you guys, too.
Oh god, that is so sweet. Good big brother indeed.
Will be here to read when you're ready. It doesn't sound good...
Sorry about the bad week. What is it about holidays? I hope things improve and will be ready to listen when you are ready to tell.
Oh I really am sorry that you've had a bad week. And you don't have to tell me about not telling other people's stories and bursting at the seams with blogstipation. Wishing you a better week K.
Thinking of you...prayers.
Well, those are some cute kids ... but, like some many others of your friends, I say, if you need to talk, you know where to find me.
I wish you peace.
Definitely cute kids (and really sweet brother). I hope this week is a huge improvement over last week. You deserve a GREAT one.
Damn those bulls' eyes! I'm relatively sure that at times every single one of us has had one placed firmly in the middle of our backsides (some larger, some smaller, but backsides all the same!). That doesn't make it less painful when you are the one with the red circle, though. I'm so sorry that it was your week. I hope, on the brink of a new week, that this week is so much better than last week. You, of every one I know, deserves to have a stellar week.
He is an AMAZING big brother for sure!!!
You have done an outstanding job with him!
I know the 'have story, can't talk' feeling all too well.
Hope you do have somebody to talk to about things you can't write about...
No doubt about it...he's a fantastic brother!
Hugs to you, dear friend. Wishing you a wonderful week.
I'm not close enough with you to feel like I would be the one you'd want to reach out to... but still, if you feel like you need to, I am by all means here and willing to be a shoulder to lean on.
Love the pic... What a good boy you have!!
Sending hugs your way... and hoping that what's on your mind isn't quite as bad as it sounds.
am always here if you need an ear, my lovely friend.
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