Feeds are getting easier, hardly any associated discomfort, though she seems to be feeling worse a bit in general. She still isn't taking anything by mouth, but is asking for tube feeds. "Mommy, will you feed me in my tummy?" She will specify where she wants to eat, too, either the bed or her little chair.
Last night she had trouble with snoring and I thought the adenoid swelling probably peaked, but this morning she woke up gagging, so I think that perhaps TODAY the swelling has increased more so to the point of making her feel nauseated. She also doesn't want to get out of bed this morning, which makes me think she is feeling quite poorly in general. I'm hoping she will be over the hump soon, though.
She's really doing well, even if these little updates don't always sound that way. We're happy to be home, she's mostly comfortable, and she's been up and around playing quite a bit. She laughs and smiles, and yesterday I caught her showing off her button to her brother, "This is my belly button. I can eat with my tummy. The doctor gave it to me. I like Dr. M, he has chili peppers on his hat." She's getting there, slowly but surely...just like she always does.

awww, little KayTar. I just pray she gets to feeling better. I love that 'feed me in my tummy'.
Dinner sounds yummy, I love Olive Garden, man now I want it, blast you! LOL
I must say, that although I did vote for McCain, I just hope our country will come together and support our new president, no matter what our views are.
(WOW, that was hard to write, LOL)
That victory is making me hungry.
Glad KayTar is starting to feel "hungry" too.
I'm always impressed with "mixed" marriages :-) I'm glad you enjoyed your victory dinner. I am immensely hopeful that President Elect Obama will make life a lot easier for the Tar family.
Glad to hear she is getting better!
I am so relieved that Obama won... I can imagine the taste of victory mixed with the taste of Olive Garden to be just about the best taste you could have :D
I still cannot get over just how brave little Kaytar has been through this whole thing... And the *showing off* her g-button is just too cute.
She is such a little trooper, and I'm glad you enjoyed the Olive Garden! We love it there!
That meal sounds delicious!
Glad she's doing better, slowly but surely...
I am very proud of Obama and our country as well ... glad you got your victory dinner! And so happy to hear that KayTar is improving more each day. I think of you all often.
Hooray for Olive Garden! Feel better soon KayTar!
the Big Guy and I voted the same in this election, but there was one where we didn't. I nearly made him sleep on the couch (but we were in California, so his vote didn't really matter anyways, he he he. regardless, I lost in the end)
That's a good man you've got there, Charlie Brown.
My students kept asking me for whom I was voting, despite, AHEM, the Obama button I was clearly wearing; welcome to urban public school (this question was a test, of course). I kept telling them I was picking Ralph Nader. Poor Ralph Nader! After all these years of running for President, these kids had NO idea who he is. I think that should be a sign to him.
How does this story relate to yours? Hmmmm .....
Hope KayTar is feeling really better soon.
Oh, sorry I was busy LICKING the ravioli on my computer screen.
And yes, it tasted like VICTORY to me!
And that little fighter of yours - she's going to be just fine, you see!
I'll admit that I can't get my head around the fact your husband voted for McCain. But hey, it got you dinner from Olive Garden!
Glad KayTar is adjusting to the feeding tube.
Really? She asks to feed her through her tummy?
That's pretty good! It shows that she's hungry and it's an easier way to get her nourishment.
That is wonderful news that KayTar is actually asking to be fed through her tummy. She really is doing so, so well although I'm sure it's not always easy or pain free.
You've totally got me craving OG now as well. :)
I love the wager... and I ate that exact meal yesterday!
Hugs to the littlest Tar!
I bet I am the only mom on here who is jealous bc I cannot wait until my bean can hold her own feed!
glad to hear things are going well and I hope that taste of defeat was not too bitter for josh!
Its just wonderful that you dont have to worry about her getting dehydrated!!! I am glad everythig is going so well.
Ok.. I will say it. Congrats on your win. :) Tell Josh I will take him to Chilis! Ha!
Victory indeed (and I'm sure it tasted great too).
KayTar is such a strong little lady, I love that she is holding her own in that photo.
I just want to bundle her up and snatch her :) She is such a sweetie
Victory tasted pretty awesome in our house too. :-)
Found your blog via October Just Posts and really like it.
Your daughter is lovely; I hope her recovery continues to go well.
I loved this post! So glad it was Olive Garden and not Chili's :-)
Give Kaytar big hugs from Eboy and I. We're so proud of her fighting little spirit!
Yay for Olive Garden! Yay for feeding tummies!
Yay for all of us.
Ha! Does that taste like defeat? Good one, Kyla :-)
I'm glad Kaytar continues to improve. What a little monkey.
I was watching Fox News for the other side's perspective when the election was called. LOL!
Hugs to KayTar...all the way from Canada. ;)
I don't know how you do any of it. I'm constantly amazed by you.
(I'm stuck on you and your husband even voting differently. I'm afraid my brain's would have totally freaken exploded if my husband had voted for McCain. Just my opinion which is intrisic to who I am. I could never have mailed his vote out if it would have been a different vote like I did. And I will always remember that even though I didn't vote, I mailed my husband's vote in and it was a good one.)
I'm so glad things are progressing for Kaytar. It's just so amazing how brave our kids are facing challenges that most people don't understand. Give that young lady a hug & a kiss from Ben!
Nice one. You two are good together if you can be so divided...
about you get some tattoo pens and draw flower petals around the button? I mean it! I'm not joking!
I meant...how about....
don't know how the first part got lost.
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