Today was a longish sort of day and I'm feeling that rush of exhaustion that stems from finally being able to relax a little.
This morning she had her first Pediasure feed via the tube. Most of you already know that she calls it "chocolate milk". Well, when I asked her how it felt going into her tummy she said, "Too chocolatey." She makes me laugh.
A lurky local blog reader (Hi there!) emailed me this morning to see if she could bring KayTar a little get well gift. She left it at the nurses station and they delivered it to KayTar. She was THRILLED! It was such a thoughtful and sweet gesture! I don't know if she wants me to give her name or not, so I won't...but everyone tell her how KIND she is, because I'm sure she'll see this! Check it out...

A homemade tutu and wand! She was in heaven. She wore it all day long. She spent most of the day out of her bed. We went on walks around the floor, she played in our mega-room, and we even took a wagon ride to the cafeteria so I could eat lunch. The tutu got rave reviews all around. She also did a craft today, see her pretty bracelet?

This afternoon, the nurses trained me on tube usage and I fed her for the first time. It was still a little painful, but not too bad. After every 2 ounces, I asked her if her tummy was full or if she wanted more. After 2 ounces, she wanted more. After 4 ounces, she wanted more. After 6 ounces, her eyes closed and she was snoring away. A nice full bellied nap. After that, we were free to go! By the time we got home she was hurting pretty badly, because she hadn't had pain medication since morning. She was running a little fever and was generally miserable. Once we got her codeine laced tylenol into her little body and chased it with some Pediasure, she perked up, though. She's currently wandering around the living room, watching Blue's Clues in her fairy pajamas with her tutu on over them. Perky as ever. It is a beautiful thing.

Today she has probably had 5 sips of fluid total, but she's gotten almost all of her fluid, calories, and medications for the day already. By the time she goes to sleep tonight, she will have had everything she needs. And that, too, is a beautiful thing.

Your bloggy lurker is a Godsend! I am so glad Kay Tar is doing well. Everyone's prayers have paid off...
That was absolutley THE kindest thing I've witnessed in the land of blog. Very sweet.
And as for Kay Tar, a full belly and some love. Who could ask for more?
I am SO happy for her, SO happy
It is a beautiful thing. Welcome home.
So, so happy. You sound relieved, and that makes me happy too.
Yay for a wonderful blog lurker that knew just what KayTar would love! She rocks!
So glad you guys are home and that KayTar seems to be comfortable. What a relief that everything is going so well.
What a lovely 'lurker' you have; the tutu and wand couldn't have been more spot on for your little KayTar.
So glad you're both home. And eating. ;-)
I can't believe you're already home and somewhat back to "normal". She's a real trouper! That's AWESOME!
She is really a little trooper! Amazing that she is doing so well right now...
And the bloggy lurker!! How nice... What an adorable little tutu :D I bet Kaytar feels a little like a star, getting anonymous presents and whatnot!
Hooray for being home!
And that tutu and wand are FABULOUS. What a great gift!
Welcome home!
The tutu and wand are lovely. What a wonderful gesture from a kind person.
I LOVE the tutu! And I am so glad you are home.
That was a beautiful, beautiful post all around...that you're home, that amazing tutu and wand from your friend (how super sweet!), her crafty bracelet, and that she's gotten everything she needs for the day. BEE YOU TI FUL!!!
I'm so glad you're home already...that's the best place to recover for all of you, right?
Yay! She looks wonderful!
Fabulous tutu and wand! Very sweet. And great pictures - so glad she is doing well with the tube and you all are finally home.
Shedding a few little tears of happiness--so glad this is done, and little Kay Tar is recovering so well. She's just too adorable...
That lurker rocks! I love the tutu! It's almost as darling as the little girl who wears it. So happy for you guys to have this over with, hopefully it's all downhill from here.
What a totally sweet gift! Kaytar must love them.
Welcome home Kaytar!
So very happy to hear that you are home and all is well!
LOVE the tutu! :)
What a kind and lovely gift! How wonderful for you all to feel such relief!
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