This morning he woke up first, as always, and he woke up his sister, as always. I awoke to their voices in the living room.
"Is there anything you want to say to me today, KayTar?"
"Do you know what day it is today?"
"The day we go to Putt Putt Funhouse!"
"No, that is this weekend. What is TODAY?"
"No. Something about ME, something about ME today...what is it?"
"You have school?"
"Yes, but that isn't it. What is SPECIAL about today? About how old I am?"
"No, I'm seven. What do you want to say to me?"
"Good morning?"
At this point, I interrupted, "JUST SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM, KAYTAR!"
"Happy birthday, Bubs!"
"Thanks!" he said, genuinely pleased even though it took several minutes of dialogue and a direct command from me to get her to say it.
He was completely dressed and ready for school before the rest of us had even rolled out of bed.
We let him open a gift this morning, a giant
Bionicle. He was thrilled and wanted to start building it right away. Since he was completely ready for school already, we let him spend 5 or 10 minutes working on it.
KayTar and I brought him a special lunch at school today, his choice, Burger King. We got to sit at a special table at the front of the cafeteria and he was ecstatic.
I made secret arrangements for his best friend to come home with us after school and spend the night. When his friend told him he said, "Mooom, is he REALLY?" And I said, "He sure is!" BubTar, shocked by the blatant rule-breaking, said, "But Mom, its a school night!" What good are rules if you can't break them now and again?
Tonight, we are having his favorite dinner, barbecue chicken sandwiches with corn on the cob. My parents are going to bring one of his gifts over this evening, too.
All in all, I think seven is off to a great start!

Happy birthday, my blue-eyed boy!