I fed KayTar and gave her medications, after she was asleep.
Yes, that's right. My child ate and took medication while she was sleeping.
It was amazing.
She hit the wall yesterday afternoon. Her body was pained and exhausted and it culminated in a mega-breakdown. She was a sobbing miserable mess, so I took her to the bed and cuddled with her for a while. She curled into me, great big fetus style, her little knees pushing against my stomach and her head nuzzled in my chest, a ball of preschooler. She stayed there, still and quiet for a very long time. My poor little girl. I was almost certain I would be missing class again, staying home to lend her the comfort she so obviously needed in that moment, but she perked up in the nick of time. She told me I could go to school, Daddy would take care of her. She still wasn't her best and I decided to skip the lab portion of class, so I could get back to her quickly.
I got home around 7:30 and she was already asleep. Her little body was just worn out. Healing is hard work. We had a small problem, though, she needed her nightly dose of antibiotics and she hadn't "eaten" or had pain medication since around 3pm. Though we were concerned about waking her accidentally, we didn't want her to go without her medicine. We decided to give it a shot, at least try to give her the medications.
I gathered the supplies and sneaked in the bedroom.
I opened her port. Froze. Looked at her, motionless.
I hooked up the bolus tube. Froze. Looked at her. Still motionless.
I ran in her medications. Lortab, Amoxicillin, Miralax and water. She slept.
I shout-whispered to Josh, "Bring me a Pediasure!"
I ran in 2 ounces. She slept.
I waited a bit.
I ran in 2 ounces. She slept.
I flushed the line.
I disconnected the line. Froze. Watched her. Still sleeping.
I closed her port.
I zipped her footsie pajamas.
I kissed her head.
I sneaked back out.
Medication and nutrition in her sleep. Wow.
We discussed these things before the surgery. We made the decision to get the button for these very reasons; the ability to feed her when she felt too poorly to feed herself, the ability to keep her hydrated, the ability to be able to give her nutrition and fluids and medication while she slept...we discussed all of it. Though, somehow putting it into practice feels like an unexpected gift, each and every time. It had only been a week and already, it has done so much for her and for us.

It's what for breakfast...and lunch...and dinner...and midnight snack.
oh. i'm breathless with happiness for you, for her.
The title pretty much says it all. Hope she is feeling better today.
It looks a lot like Ben's "special." Let me also add...YES!!!! As he high-fives Kyla across the Blogosphere.
Just amazing! Sounds like wonderful validation for you guys.
That is such an amazing gift to you all! I can imagine how relieved it must make you feel that you are able to provide Kaytar with what she needs, regardless of how she is feeling *hugs* to you all. Congrats! :D
Big sigh of relief. This is going to make things so much gentler for you.
Kyla. I am so, so glad for you, for this. More healing wishes for her, too.
I wonder what she dreamed about. A diner, perhaps?
What a relief for you - and such proof that you made the right decision to go ahead with surgery. I hope things get better each day.
that is mindblowing... Simply amazing. So does the blue light come in chocolate? ~ Katie (motherbumper)
Wow - cool. Did you tell her this morning?
Absolutely awesome!!
wonderful! i'm wish mad--wonder if she dreamed of food? ;-)
Utterly, completely awesome.
This got me all worked up, Kyla. Unexpected and wonderful gift, it is.
That's amazing!
Wow! Awesome!
Now to put that into the next Staples commercial ad.
That is amazing.
YOU are amazing.
Love the blue plate special!
so glad it is working out.
awesome. such relief to have it actually offer you what you were hoping for.
Oh my gosh. That must be the best feeling to not have to struggle with trying to get things down her...I think this is just wonderful!
That's amazing, Kyla. Wow.
this makes me so sad and so happy all at the same time
I already knew this story and it still brought a tear to my eye. I'm so relieved it's going as well as it is.
this made me cry. after all the shit you've been through, to find this relief.
this relief.
i am so very happy for you.
Oh honey. Its all been worth it. I am so happy for all of you.
PS: I have an award for you over on my blog, if you want to stop by and get it! :D
How wonderful!
And you're right- knowledge beforehand doesn't change how miraculous something can seem in practice. I'm so glad that it's working so well!
I hope your princess is doing better today :)
Oh, I so miss that blue plate special being served at our house...
I'm amazed by her...and you.
What a relief not to have to struggle and worry about how she will get what she needs!
I'm happy for you and yet I'm full of wonder and sadness. (Sorry, I'm still caught way back in the struggle to have things easily.) But that she can be well, that she can be tended to - such a relief.
(I could feel the pressure in my jaw the whole time - the pressure of "freeze" and wait.)
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