She came through surgery wonderfully.
We spent 7 hours in recovery because they had no open rooms.
She is so very miserable and it is breaking my heart. They are giving her morphine, but when she wakes up she's in a lot of pain. The saddest part is that she can't even cry, because it hurts so much worse. She told me, "I'm broken." As is my heart, darling, as is my heart.
Here's to it being done. Hopefully tomorrow she'll start feeling better.
Thanks everyone. Thanks for carrying us through.
good job little kaytar, good job momma kyla. sleep in peace and tomorrow will hopefully bring some relief from the pain for the little one.
It is always hard the first day, everyday will get better. You are in my thoughts. Sending lots of love and hugs.
She is such a trooper, that one. Sleep well.
love you
This too shall pass.
Poor pea. I'm rooting for her.
And for you. Big hugs to both of you. Wish I could be there to sit and chat with you while she heals.
Yes we can.
And because we did, we'll all be in a better position to take care of our KayTars.
Rest well.
Sleep well little one. Prayers for a quick recovery and complete mending of all of the 'broken' parts.
I am so sorry KayTar is "broken"...that breaks my heart as well.
Here's to a speedy recovery! Hugs to you both!!
Poor sweetie pie. I hope she sleeps well and recovers quickly.
She is so beautiful. And so strong.
So are you.
"I'm broken" made me cry. I hope that you all get some sleep and she starts to feel better.
I am so glad to hear things went well. KayTar has been on my mind and heart all day. Hope the recovery is super fast!
I'm glad she came through the surgery ok... She'll start feeling better soon. She will.
As for morphine, if she starts getting sick, look to that first. Nothing has ever made me feel as horrible as morphine. Nothing.
Oh Kaytar. You trooper.
Politics shmolitics, right now I am thinking about Kaytar.
YES, YOU DID!! I cried last night. Cried for a long time.
Thinking of you and your sweet girl. Give her a squeeze from me.
So sorry to hear she's so miserable. I know this will lead to good things for her though.
I was and still am speechless about the outcome of the election. I was expecting it and hoping for it, but I am just so relieved!
Yes we can, sister.
You're both a little broken now but you will both be so much stronger soon. Sending you such love!
Sending lots of hugs your way. I hope her recovery is a quick one.
What a trooper. Both of you.
Here's hoping today is a better day.
Good job, little girl.
I hope she is feeling better this morning. The I'm broken made me cry but hopefully this surgery will hope her in everyway.
Ah the little love. She is such a trooper. As are you, mama.
Take care.
Love to you. Love to Kay-Tar.
It really is amazing how after all your issues with the health care system that this surgery would happen at the very moment Obama became President. I am hoping beyond all hope that his mantra of change is more than simple rhetoric.
Oh, poor little one! She looks so small in that big bed, but it looks like she has her own bedspread from home. Here's hoping that she keeps feeling better as the day goes on.
Yes we did.
And so did she! So glad your baby girl's Ok and on the mend... Hope this next part of the journey is full of fast healing and full bellies.
Oh, your poor, poor girl. I hope she's better.
A big cheesy thumbs up for the outcome of the election. Oh yaAA!
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