This morning, BubTar went to school and was promptly returned home to me. Without giving too much away, he is having serious intestinal troubles that began as a bit of a SURPRISE for him. I'm a little bit freaked out that he's brought home some GI virus that he will see fit to share with the rest of us, especially KayTar. Can you imagine her getting the pukes with the state of her stomach and throat? Let's not think too much about that. Needless to say, quarantine is back in swing, sponsored by Lysol and Purell.
The perkiness of last night has worn off, I think it was a Lortab buzz combined with the rush of being pain-free for the first time in hours. She's in good spirits, but much more mellow than she was last night. She's tolerating her full feeds and every time it gets a little less painful (her site is still pretty tender). Last night she got upset when I was hooking her up and she jerked the bolus tube off. YEEOW! She doesn't seem to want to repeat that experience and is less apt to grab at things, even if she is still a little uncomfortable. As long as I give her hands a little squeeze after every step, ("Okay, I'm going to open your valve now" Squeeze hand. "I'm going to hook in the tube now." Squeeze hand.") she is mostly agreeable. During her pseudo-lunch, she even wanted to help hold the big bolus syringe. She is also quite fond of using the bolus tube as a microphone to announce important things like, "I like flowers and hearts!". She whimpers a little when I tell her it time to eat, because of the tenderness, but it will get easier and easier as it heals. She's adjusting really well, all things considered.

Poor munchkin. I hope the soreness wears off soon. And it's good to be home, isn't it?
You know. I adore her just knowing her thru you. But have I ever mentioned the uncanny way she reminds me of my younger. Its something about the mouth and expression. It makes my heart go out to her all the more.
I love your family
Oh poor BubTar...I hope he very much keeps that to himself. But poor surprised little guy. :(
And sweet KayTar...I'm glad no one came interrupting you with vitals and such.
I'm glad she's tolerating her full feeds and I hope she stops having any pain very very very soon.
Welcome to Kyla's house of Sick! I hope everyone's condition improves ...
Oh man, not another GI bug! Sending healing thoughts to everyone in your house.
I'm so glad you guys are home, and I am hoping for a speedy recovery with a lot less soreness soon!
I am so glad you are home!
here's to purell keeping things from getting out of hand!
I'm so happy to hear you and Kaytar are home and she is healing well!!! Will you be doing just bolus feeding or have a pump? I hope Bubtar is feeling better soon also and that bug stays away from the rest of you!! Sending lots of speedy recovery vibes for your little ones and bright days ahead!!!
I am so glad it seems to be getting a little bit easier for you guys. Now if that darn soreness would just go away, you'd be in business!
i am just catching up... and I am so glad things went, it seems, about as well as they could, and that KayTar is home and doing well. i know this is really hard for you, but you know that it will save you a lot of stress, knowing she's getting the nutrition she needs. And so it is all worth it, for a brighter future.
And perhaps, with our new president (yippee!!!) other parents won't have as much insurance stress as ya'll have had
I'm so glad to hear you and KayTar are home! But so sorry to hear about BubTar... Hope everyone is feeling better very soon!!
I hope BubTar is feeling better and that he doesn't share. Ewww....
I swear it's never a dull moment at your house. Hope Bub is feeling better by now. And I'm glad KayTar could rest in the comfort of her sick chair. That thing is worth its weight in gold, isn't it?
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