I love this video, because it is just so KayTar. The facial expressions, the slight silliness, the interactions, it is all very KayTar. Oh, and do you notice what she is eating? Shoestring potatoes. Not the healthiest choice, I admit, but they are TINY. She used to be so terrified of foods that were smaller than her fist, she wouldn't even touch them with her hands...and here she is, chowing down. Amazing. Last night she ate the middle portion of half a peanut butter sandwich. She asks for what she wants at meals now, signing "green beans" or "peas" or "sweet potatoes" and the like. She prompts us to feed her on occassion, when just a month ago we were constantly the one goading her into eating, often against her will. I haven't tracked her calories in Excel for about a week now, and I am confident she is doing well. She is still on a diet of pureed baby food, but she is starting to branch out and try new things. Last week at my parent's house she ate an entire chicken strip. She isn't ready to make the switch to a real food diet, but when the mood strikes her she is eager to try things. We are just letting her lead. If there is anything we've learned, it is that she has her own schedule and will do things when the time is right. We are just along for the ride.

*The post didn't start out to have anything to do with food. Weird.
I remember tracking breastfeeding for the first three months of the Boy's life. It was NO FUN. It feels good to let go of the Big List, doesn't it?
Wonderful news!!
I say, potatoes are potatoes. They are veggie, therefore they are healthy.
She is so very, very sweet. And who DOESN'T like shoestring potatoes!?!?! Yummy stuff there.
I will now repeat Mme L's current favourite thing to say, "You go, girl!"
She's a cutie. And not tracking her diet must be a HUGE relief.
I'm glad.
Great video, Kyla!
Easton has never eaten a chicken strip or even a mere nugget so I'm very impressed given that she normally eats only purees. Go KayTar!
Wow, based on this she seems like an excellent eater. :)
I love seeing KayTar videos and getting a glimpse of her personality. She is doing so well with trying (and enjoying!) new foods. I wish I could get my husband to do that. ;)
Shoe string potatoes are a favorite at our house as well.
oh. but food is the foundation. the marker, with each bite, that we are indeed doing our job and all will be well.
food, indeed.
Chock full of vitamins, your potato. That's how the Irish survived on them.
Wow! Wonderful!
Can I admit I'm a teensy bit jealous (your daughter is holding an apple!)
I must confess, she did not really eat the ice cream cone...or the apple. She took a niblet or two, but the portions missing in the photos were eaten by someone else.
And Em, yes, she will hold an apple, but that is where she draws the fruity line.
The Baby says to tell Kaytar that they can hang out and eat shoestring potatoes together, a little teeny cool girl club.
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