As you can see, BubTar had a busy weekend of modeling. (He doesn't really model, if I've got you wondering by all of the joking about it, he just models for the Mama-razzi.) But today after school he came down with a cold or some other lovely illness and he is now lying on the couch resting with a 102 fever.
Doesn't he look pitiful?? I know. But as soon as I snapped these photos he popped up of the couch and said, "Can I see how my pictures turned out, Momma?" and when I showed him the viewer on my camera he said, "No, I need to see them bigger...on your computer, okay?" *lol* So he feels badly, but not too badly to worry about how his sickly photographs came out.
You know this already, but I just need to say it---
Hope he's feeling better!
Poor poppet.
Although I'm glad to hear he is on the mend :)
What a cutie! Poor guy, running fever. I spent all last night throwing I feel his pain. I would have grabbed the camera & thrown it in the toilet though had someone snapped a shot of me in that state though. NOT pretty. haha!
That is so sweet. Hope he feels better soon.
He is just incredibly cute.
Tell that handsome boy of yours to get better. (those eyes!)
Gorgeous eyes on that boy!
Hope he's feeling better soon!
Wow. I can't believe how perfectly groomed he looks with a fever! Those are some strong cute kid genes. Around here we mostly look like roosters when the fever hits us.
This is so cliche, but he's totally a heartbreaker.
Aw, he is so terribly cute!
We've had that cold here. My two boys had it, and now I am waiting for it. :)
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