"The following person(s) are eligible to enroll in the Children's Health Insurance Program:
We've been waiting on this news for a while. The CDF found a loophole and we exploited it and we've been in limbo waiting to find out if it would work. It was the last hope, honestly. If you are in the same situation we have been in and you'd like to know more about said loophole, feel free to email me, but I don't want to go into detail on the blog. Suffice it to say, the system wouldn't work for us, so we worked the system.
I have to pay the enrollment fee and send in one piece of paper and these kids of mine should be all set. I could not be happier...I mean, unless the system wasn't so broken that we had to find a deceptive back door, that might have made me happier. But I'm still ecstatic.
In other news, KayTar went to camp today. It was her first day away from me in years and she did excellently. And then? She told me about her day. She told me that she:
Put on costumes, an elephant, tiger, and dinosaur
Did "arting" meaning she painted black stripes on orange paper, tiger stripes, and her teacher asked if she was done and she WAS done
Played outside, a game involving throwing, a cone, and a ring
Singing, the monkey song and a song from the Jungle Book
Watched part of Toy Story
Played with all of those kids
She was so excited and she is ready to go back tomorrow.
It has been a most excellent day.
PS: I owe you all a thorough NYC report, but I am running on borrowed time lately. Tomorrow I hope I have the time to get it knocked out. It was a great trip.

And that is most excellent news -- all of it!
wow. so many great and important things in one day! when it rains it pours, and this time it is raining blessings! Hooray!
oh! OH!
Hi Kyla, It is so great to hear that things are going well for the 'Tars. Since KayTar was telling you all the stuff that she did at her camp, does this mean she is now relating experiences that she has? The last we heard on the blog (I think) was that she was still mimicing expertly. :) Whatever it is it sounds like she is having a blast at her day camp. Does BubTar also get to go to summer camp as well? I would love to hear from him and see what he has planned for his summer :)
Perhaps the tide, it is a turnin', yeah? Sounds like good things are coming your way. I'm glad to see you catching a break!
That is fantastic news!!!
That is all fantastic news! Congratulations!!
Ha, I saw "knocked out" in your last paragraph and read "knocked up" and was all "WHAAAA??!"
But I am so excited about the health insurance and the camp going so well!! Hurray!
Karen: Yes, she is. I've noticed it in bits and pieces, but because I'm always with her, I didn't realize how far it had progressed until she told me about things I wasn't there for! I was so impressed!!
oh Kyla...huge sigh of relief for you. i am sorry you had to go the backdoor route, only because all that work and worry and months of uninsuredness due to the broken system is just plain wrong...but doing whatever you need to do for your kids is NOT. yay mama, fierce mama.
congrats. and well done KayTar on the day at camp. she's doing well.
finally, yes, DYING to know about NYC.
Wonderful news!
I am so happy for you. That is great news.
Look how proud she is!
I think, that in your case, that loophole is well deserved. I hope that it continues to open for you.
This is by far the best thing I've read in a long while! Also I was out of town over the weekend so I've just now caught up on Kyla & Kaytar's Excellent Adventure. You rock my friend!
Wow, that's great Kyla! It really sounds like things are going great for you and your family. Thanks for the reply to my comment and the update on KayTar. Have a great day!
Yay for loopholes!
I loved reading about KayTar's day at camp! It sounds like she was busy and had a great time. I'm super glad she was excited to go back. Was she exhausted when she got home? Was she gone all day or just in the morning?
Can't wait to hear more about the insurance.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
The most dissatisfying thing for me is finding a back door that I get through but still being worried other people won't be able to find it.
Seems to be the way it is though.
I'm so glad to hear all the great news!
Excellent, most excellent!!!
Oh thank gawd.
Loophole or not, I'm absolutely thrilled your wee ones are going to have coverage.
Congratulations! And she does the happy dance...
Best news ever! Congrats Kyla, all the hard work paid off!
So great to hear this.
OMg that is so excellent! I am so excited that you found a way - though as you say, it shouldn't be like that.
And glad to hear K enjoyed herself at camp, too - quite an achievement.
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