BubTar: Yeah Dad. I don't waaaaaaaant to go to school today.
Josh: Great example there, hon.
Me: (whispering under my breath) At least I'm sick. He's just copying me.
Yes indeed. 7:45 and I'm already batting a thousand. ;) Mother of the Year, here I come.
To redeem myself from this paltry excuse for a post, I offer you a KayTar Then and Now comparison. In the more recent shot, she is sporting what has been called by some "The look of death". Cracks me right up.


One more matter of business, the extremely nauseas HBM is holding a little art contest for the wee ones. I've been meaning to post KayTar's entry and have been remiss in doing so. Since today is the LAST day of the contest, I figured now is a good of time as any.
Without further ado, I present to you "Trees and Leaves"* by KayTar, with some assistance from BubTar (he was in charge of the edge painting, note the difference in their artistic stylings).

*Trees and leaves is what she kept repeating while painting, so I figured it would make a good title.
Didn't think it was possible to be that cute all the while displaying a 'look of death', but have now been proven wrong by KayTar!
I can commiserate with feeling sick (sniff, sniff), and here's to feeling better soon!
- Heidi
We're going to be in your town this weekend. I'd love to get together if you are interested. Of course you may also not be interested in contracting the plague of ear infections (like the plague of locusts but with a $30 copay).
Send me an email!
beccamann (at) yahoo dot com
That IS a killer look, in the best possible way.
And beautiful picture - collaboration in its loveliest form.
The look of death? We call that the Hairy Eyeball. P&P are MASTERS. :)
Sorry you are sick! And still have a busy day. Man, the sick time for Moms sucks. We need a union.
Hang in there and we're home all day (School Holiday my unhappy ass) if you need anything.
Using My Words
Becca's coming to town.
Who's organizing the party?
Kaytar looks adorable, with or without the look of death! Hope you feel better soon.
I'm actually LOVING that picture. Totally frame-worthy.
I'm pretty sure Kaytar just set my whole office on fire with that look.
Which is good because I didn't want to be here anyway.
Great photos! Love the art too :)
i love her death glare.
and the picture. ooof.
Monet's got nothing on KayTar.
The difference between 2006 and 2007! OMG!! Ha ha.
loved the art. you should seriously frame it.
Nice artwork!
That "look" is a keeper.
Sorry you're sick. I was just having a conversation with my girlfriend this morning how much it sucks to be sick when you are the one at home with the kids. When I'm sick, I would rather be in my office with my door shut, sipping hot lemon tea and hoarding the Kleenex box. I'm pretty sure my old job gave my office away 6 years ago though....
Sorry your still feeling sick :(
Great art!!
"Trees and Leaves" - beautiful - just like she is. Have a good weekend. See ya.
WE're all sick here. In fact, The Girl threw up at school - I'm an awesome mom! I sent my sick child TO SCHOOL!
Hope you're feeling better tonight.
It is totally leave and trees. Stick it on ebay and see what happens.
I hope illness vacates your house soon.
whoa, that is some serious stink eye!
LOL that is totally the look of death!
I love Kaytar's sense of colour and style! Bubtar did a mighty fine job too!
I love that art--really, you should get it framed, it's beautiful.
She's really good at the look of death!
And lovely painting.
My littlegirl gives me that look all the time. My mother called it, when I used it on her....snake eyes.
The KayTar 2007? I know that look oh so well...I see it on my child all the time.
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