This morning she called out, "Mama!" and I went in her room to check her. She said, "A bah-wul (bottle) a-milk? Lay down a-pillow. OKAY!" Which roughly translated means, "Please fetch me a milk bottle while I lay here on this pillow." I did, of course, and she then told me, "Go sleep. Close door. Goo-night." Which translates to "Get out, I'm going back to sleep now."
She ate yogurt this morning, although she wouldn't go for any table food, sadly. She's been drinking well and all in all everything is just fine. The episode passed without too much fanfare and I'm feeling lucky today because of it. She's had ragers in the past, so when they don't hurt much, it makes me feel better. It is still stressful and sad and I never feel relief until we are sure it is over, but it is easier when it doesn't put her in unbearable pain. Yesterday most of her discomfort seemed to stem from the eye movements and nausea rather than any real pain. Whatever the case, we're just glad it is done.

In retrospect, I realized I double-jinxed us all. On Saturday, I openly discussed the recent lack of episodes. Then Sunday, I took down the blankets we had put up in KayTar's bedroom windows to darken it, because I was tired of seeing them there. I may or may not have said, "She hasn't had one in ages, why are we leaving these things up?" Ack, ack, ack. Roughly 6 hours later, BAM. "Here is the episode you requested." I'll learn one of these days.
On a BubTar note, he received an award at school today! Every day, the teacher gives out an award, different awards on different days, I think. Last week he received "I Did My Best Today!" which was nice after having a day last week where he was in a spot of trouble. Tpday, he received "Quiet as a Mouse!" which we had given up hope on. He just isn't a quiet kiddo and we were perfectly happy that he was doing his best, whether it qualified as being quiet as a mouse or not. But then today he surprised us! What a good boy, he is. He especially likes that the whole class claps for him when he gets an award. Kindergarten is a hit so far! You know, except all the germs. I had a meeting with his teacher last week and she just bragged on him. He's doing great academically, and he's really only been in trouble the one time, so far. His favorite thing about Kinder is the science experiments they do each Friday. On Community Helpers day, he told her that he wants to be a babysitter, because he is SO good with helping with his sister. And he's right, he is an excellent helper. His teacher told me "He just has the sweetest little heart, I'm enjoying him so much in class." She also mentioned he's having a bit of trouble paying attention, although it isn't affecting his learning. We've always known he can be a bit of a space cadet from time to time; he comes by it honestly, Josh can be one, too. She said she would watch it closely to be sure he doesn't start to miss things in class, but Kindergarten is definitely off to a good start and we are so proud of our big guy.

I'm glad she's on the mend, Kyla. Love the interpretive dance picture!
And quiet as his *super secret* power? You crack me up. :)
Oh happy dancing Kaytar and big eyed sweet quiet Bubtar! You made my day :)
I'm sorry you had to go back to counting days. That stinks. But also so happy to see Kaytar's ready to dance.
I saw in the post below that you didn't have results from the EEG a month ago. Pester them. I've been there and found that in the medical community it is the squeaking wheel that does get attention.
I've called the neurologist every week since then, and my wonderful pediatrician has been emailing him, too. Last week I called him twice. He finally called me back on Friday, but he said the lab doesn't have her results for some reason. He said he called to harass them and hoped to have news for me soon.
Oh, man, am I glad she's feeling better.
And yay for BubTar! Jack's also loving kindergarten.
Nice job Bubtar! Sounds like he has a really compassionate Kinder teacher who loves what she is doing. And so glad to hear Kaytar is recovering and resting, bless her little heart.
OK, I LOVE Bub's T-shirt. It's fabulous. And if I were pain I would run screaming from the room. Kay-Tar is one wicked interpretive dance. I'm glad to hear the episode was mild. Still I wish it weren't an episode at all.
Just catching up on your weekend.
I'm glad that it wasn't a bad one. Those sweet, sweet kids of yours.
Hey, BubTar and The Boy have the same secret super power!
I'm so glad KayTar is feeling better.
Glad to hear today went well after the episode from yesterday.
Congrats on the award Bubtar! Can you share your secrets with Matthew?? lol
What a great day for the Tars! So glad KayTar is feeling better and BubTar is a super star with his special award. That is awesome!
I love reading about your kids.
I'm so sorry she had an episode. the universe has a way of smacking us down when we get to confident.
good job bubtar!!!
and i feel the same way about jinxing things. you know logically talking about something won't make it happen, but we still feel that way.
Look at how proud he is of that award. You have such precious children.
I'm glad you're on the other side of it all...
Congrats to BubTar for his award!
I'm glad this episode wasn't as much of a doozy.
And go Big Bro with his awards and how well he's doing in school!
Hey, where did he get that moose shirt?
Well done, BubTar!
I'm sorry KayTar's had another tough go around this past weekend ... poor girl. I hope those test results come back soon with something useful!
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