Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Birth


Anonymous said...


Kathy Gillen said...

Thanks for sharing something so precious. I loved giving birth...four times.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a hundred years ago and yesterday.
BEst wishes

Becca said...

How wonderful!

natalie said...

Fills me with joy. Brings tears to the surface.


Kristin said...

Awwww, I have video of Dalton coming out of my belly.

Now I want to go watch it.

What precious babes.

flutter said...

I just totally burst into tears

carrie said...

There is something so powerful about birth pictures.

Thank you for sharing!

Junie's Blog said...

You make beautiful babies!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful...just beautiful.

moplans said...

Even at birth they look so similar!
Mmm brand new babies.

Katie said...

Life doesn't get any better than that.

Janet said...

Those truly are pictures that require no words.

Julie Pippert said...

Oh that birth moment! Elation and a big bag of mixed emotions somewhere far under that.

Awesome photos...and wow, they look alike. I thought it was the same baby (at first) (then I got a clue).

Using My Words

Anonymous said...


Mimi said...

These photos are FANTASTIC! Wow. It's grim and bloody and marvelous and overlit and so so intense. How great to have captured such a fleeting but powerful moment. Thanks for sharing this!

Amy said...

There is nothing like it.

My birthing experiences are something I will treasure forever.

Girlplustwo said...

it amazes me every time.

Mad said...

Wow. Just wow.

ewe are here said...


So amazing.

NotSoSage said...

So, so beautiful.