Last night BubTar was awake from 2-4am crying and complaining about his "froat" hurting and telling me he couldn't swallow his spit. This morning as the Motrin is wearing off, his fever is climbing. He is miserable. This morning he was too tired to even watch his cartoons on the TV. He asked for lunch, but then he asked if I could put a pillow on the table so he could lay down to eat. Then he asked to eat on the couch, but couldn't sit up. Then he asked me to feed him, but he only took one bite and then he was too tired for more. He actually asked me if he could go back to his bed. He never asks to go back to bed. He fell asleep around 11:45. He usually doesn't nap at all. The last time he was this ill, it was strep. That did not turn out well. I'm trying to keep the kids apart, but I think it is a losing battle. I'm sure he's been carrying this for a few days at least and those two love to cuddle. I'm sure the germy baton has already exchanged hands. KayTar's next episode (if on schedule) will happen this weekend...probably the same time the germs decide to make their presence known. BubTar is going to the pediatrician in the morning.
KayTar saw the ENT yesterday, and she is now medically cleared for the hearing aid. Her ears look wonderful. Now we have to schedule another appointment with the audiologist to actually receive the aid. The ENT is also scheduling a CT of her temporal bones and some additional labs. There always seems to be more testing. Such is life.
Oh Kyla. Poor BubTar. I have recently learned how hard it is to keep a sick sibling away from his cuddle pal. I hope it passes soon and without incident and hopefully nothing for KayTar. I'm sorry.
Poor little guy! I hope he feels better soon and that Kaytar is able to escape without getting sick! Good luck.
Poor little guy.
Hang in there.
Sending lots of germ spray your way. BubTar is so handsome...even when he's sick.
Caught up after my week of travel and crazy busy-ness. It was heart-wrenching getting caught up b/c by the time I got to the "life is perfect for now" post I already knew about BubTar being sick (poor little guy). It must throw you for a loop each and every time the one who isn't supposed to get sick, gets sick.
Getting caught up also meant that I was painfully away of how closely the "life is perfect for now" post follows on the heels of the KayTar is sick with a bum-ripping poop. The sighs of relief in your life are so precious becasue they are so short.
I loved the roller skating shots and the pool shot. The weather here is freezing. It's hard to imagine being in an outdoor pool.
Sorry to hear that. I hope you're wrong in your predictions....
Hey! I just noticed at Metro Mama's that you nominated me for a ROFL. Thanks!
I second the handsome comment and the hope that those nasty little germs will get carried away by a great big wind and end up somewhere where no little kids live...or elderly, or sick, or anyone, really. Sending you love and strength from AK!
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