Saturday, July 26, 2008

95 Days. THE END.

It was a good run, wasn't it?

I spoke at our state Capitol.

We got to go to NYC.

I took an entire math course.

I was able to spend the night in the Atlanta airport.

Family vacation.

My trip to BlogHer.

95 days of blissful, uneventful normalcy. Okay, normal people don't count the days while waiting for the ephemeral monster that is an episode to jump out and attack their child, but still...the closest WE get to normalcy.

This has been some week. Monday was fairly uneventful, just an eye appointment for KayTar. Tuesday, the air conditioner dude worked on our system and gallons of water ended up raining into our bedroom, causing the need for pipe work and new sheetrock. Wednesday, BubTar had to have stitches and we spent 6 hours in the ER. Thursday, our power went out because of weather. Friday, our power went out, AGAIN, because of a blown transformer. Today, we were about to leave for my little sister in law's birthday party and BAM--episode.

She had walked into her room and Josh followed after her, about to wrangle her into her shoes, and she was grasping the door frame, eyes closed. He said, "KayTar?" And she said, "I'm all spinny." And he said, "Kyla, she's having one."

Damn, damn, damn.

As I was driving home from the store today I thought, it has been so nice not living our lives around these episodes...maybe she really is outgrowing them. One hour later...Hello Optimism, here is the episode you ordered!

My boys went to the party without us. It will give BubTar something to do other than staying VERY VERY QUIET for his sister. KayTar is in her bed, drifting in and out of consciousness, alternating between writhing fitfulness and eerie stillness, sometimes responding, sometimes not. That's always the kicker for me...watching my wee girl slip away from me, even as I hold her tight in my arms. My bright, vibrant star suddenly left without the sheen of her twinkling magic.

ETA: Over! I can't remember the last time she had one this short! 2.5 hours. No pain, no vomiting, no light sensitivity. When she woke up, she told me, "I feel all better. I was shaking!" She asked for ice for her head when she woke up, maybe a residual headache, but she seems to be just fine now. We're watching her closely, but it looks like she's going to be a-okay.


flutter said...


Christine said...

hearing this broke my heart, kyla.

hang in there.


Beck said...

Well, that is awful.
But 95 days.
Maybe next time it'll be 190.
Maybe it'll be a year.

Chaotic Joy said...

Oh Kyla. I am so sorry. Every time you write about these episodes I am struck by how scary they must be. I cannot help but hope that they will continue to become even farther apart. Until one day they just are not.

Aliki2006 said...

(((hugs)))--it's so hard. I hope she sleeps it off and wakes in the morning, all shiny and bubbly again.

Lori at Spinning Yellow said...

Damn. 95 days is a good record, but having them at all is just awful. Sending hugs.

Becca said...

Oh no, how disappointing! I am so sorry.

motherbumper said...

I'm sorry because I was really hoping that monster was gone once and for all. F**k. I know I shouldn't swear but crap on a stick. Well roll back the counter and next time it will beat 95 - it will. xoxoxo

Chrissy said...

I am so sorry, Kyla. I'm glad she's feeling better, but still so sorry she had to go through it.

Amy Y said...

Oh shit :(
Well maybe the next time will be even longer than 95 days and last only half the time... Maybe she's still on her way to outgrowing them but just not quite done yet? It has to be a good sign that it was so short and took so long to get here... right?
I know I don't know anything about it and am not even close to being a doctor but I hope this was a good sign.

mommamia said...

I'm so sorry thisis happening to her. I'm grateful that you got 95 day of semi-normalacy and it was much shorter than normal.

Hugs to both of you.

~aj~ said...
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~aj~ said...

With a long stretch like this, it was so easy to to think/hope/dream that maybe they were gone for good. :(

I was ecstatic, however, to hear it was so short...and not nearly as painful as past episodes. That is definitely a step in the right direction!

Anonymous said...

Well, they're fewer and farther between and now they appear to be much shorter. I'm taking that info alone as a good sign that she's outgrowing it! Ethan outgrew his apnea after 1.5 years, so don't lose that optimisim hon. So sorry you're still going through this crap, you and Kaytar.xoxo

amanda said...

Damn, Damn, Damn...
Maybe as she grows out of them, they get farther apart and shorter in duration. Glad to hear that she is getting back to her old self so quickly and praying that you go another 95+ days without an episode...

sheree said...

bummer, but at least it was a short one! I am glad she is feeling better.

Oh- my AC also decided to cause water damage to my sheetrock this week. Awesomeness.

Anonymous said...

oh Kyla. damn is right - but thanks for adding the update. I'm glad to know it was short and that she is okay.

Girlplustwo said...

oh babe. it's so easy i'd imagine to forget, and then it all comes rushing back.

carrie said...

Darn. But still, like you said - the longest time in between and the shortest episode ever.

So, we hope. Right? :)

Bon said...

coming to this late, with the knowledge that it was short, i feel sorry but heartened, and hopeful. improvement is improvement, even if it is not all one could ask for.

no pain. i am glad this time she had no pain.

Run ANC said...

Crap. But hopefully it will be longer before the next one..? Like maybe, never??

Chickenbells said...

I am so sorry...but, I'm so very thankful that it was a short one if it had to happen at all! Maybe it was the last hurrah and there will be no more...

Angela Stockbridge said...

I'm so sorry, but so glad to hear this one was short and relatively traumatic- has each been progressively less difficult? And the timing is getting longer? Maybe she IS in the process of outgrowing them.

Best wishes of health and happiness to you and your family...

Kate said...

it just sucks, plain and simple.

Here's to hoping that it will be 995 days next time.

jeanie said...


InTheFastLane said...

I hope she is feeling better now?

Janet said...

I'm glad it was relatively short.

Hoping that they get further and further and further apart, until they are just a little speck in the past.

PJ said...

Shorter in duration. Farther apart. I think that is outgrowing them. AND...even she recognized the onset..."I'm all spinny"

If the span between episodes increases it could well be November or December before the next...better yet. May this one be the last episode this year!!!


Katie said...

Hoping and praying those darn episodes string out longer and longer until one day they just cease to exist for your sweet girl.

Christine said...

Praying for more and more time in between them and shorter and shorter episodes and that she grows out of them sooner than later.

Poor kiddo. I am so glad that she at least has some ability to communicate how she is feeling to you. I can only imagine it was more terrifying for you both without it.

painted maypole said...

longer stretches between and shorter episodes does sound like she is outgrowing them. we just all wish it would go away for good RIGHT NOW.

kittenpie said...

I'm sorry there had to be an end, but glad as can be that it wasnt' too terrible. And you - my heart goes out to you, as I think about how rotten it feel sfor parents to deal with even things as simple as viruses or fevers, and this, this is scarier, the not really knowing. Hugs to you both.

Woman in a Window said...

ya, as I was coming her I thought I'd just cuss. Like slouching mom, but maybe not so tame.