BubTar: So she can't hear me? I should TALK LOUDER?!
Me: No, that isn't what I mean. Let's see...hmmm...okay. You are like a Blu Ray disc and KayTar is like a HD DVD player.
BubTar: Yes! I wanted to be the Blu Ray disc!
Me: I'm glad. Okay, the Blu Ray disk speaks and it makes sense to itself, but because the HD DVD player speaks another kind of machine language, it can't understand WHAT the Blu Ray disc is saying. That is why you can't play a Blu Ray disc in an HD DVD player, right? When you speak, it makes sense, but when it goes into KayTar's mind, it is sometimes like you are speaking a different language. She can hear you, it just doesn't make sense in her brain. Like a Blu Ray disc in a HD DVD player.
BubTar: Oh! Okay! I get it. Hey Mom, did you know HD DVDs and Blu Ray discs are SIX TIMES SHARPER than traditional DVDs?
Me: Mmmhmmm. By now, I think you've taught that to everyone we know.

Aw he's as cute as he is smart!
Best analogy ever.
Also, 16 times sharper? I had no idea.
I don't know what in the world you people are talking about, but I'm glad it worked!
Bub sure is dashing in his stars!
Dontcha love how they change the subject soo quickly? Heee!
We did the 100 legos one time and another time 100 pennies. It is hard to find 100 of anything in my house except legos :)
It's 100 Days Of School ALREADY? Good grief, that went fast.
That's awesome! What a clever analogy.
Oh, the sweet, sweet power of analogy.
Stars work so much better, the fabric drapes funny with lego (oh yes, I've tried).
And your analogy is going straight to SB because he will really get a kick of this post.
I like the choice of stars for your elder Shining Star. Also a comment about yesterday...
It is unreal how similar our children are. Ben is exactly like Kaytar. We know he comprehends a great deal but there are those "other issues" that freak us out even after 8 years.
Bubtar's understanding of his sister will become better as he matures. But trying to explain in terms he understands even at this point is still a great thing to do. That way there will be fewer moments when he becomes upset at how his sister responds (or doesn't) to him.
He's a techno supastar!
Get it? Star? 'Cause of the shirt?
The boy knows me for sure in that department--and I love the shirt!
I love kid logic!
And I remember those 100 day of school projects, alas, some of my children have grown past this stage, but I remember . . . 100 m&m's, 100 jelly beans, 100 Cheerios - all for the 100 day of school trail mix! :)
I hate 100's Day, but I'm going to steal your idea when Natalie is in Kindergarten! How'd you stick 'em?
We hot glued them. The shirt won't be usable anymore, but we can pop the stars off and stick them to the ceiling still!
I guess you could also switch the language to french and turn the sound down and use captions to continue the theme :)
Hahahahah. I think it must be a lot of fun at your house.
Love the shirt -- and the cute boy. :-)
Wow. And here I would have gone with two languages, not machine languages. Silly old luddite that I am!
I so totally love that kid.
Well, I hate to admit it, but now I'm confused.
must be like Tivo.
how I wish we had Tivo.
Love the little techie!!!! It's amazing what kids can understand if it's in their "Language".
And hurray for the star!!
Umm, what?
He's too cute, especially in that photo.
What is this 100 days thing? They are on it like white on rice at P's school too. Huh?
What a day we had convincing her that Mardi Gras parade and parties today HAD NO RELATION TO THIS WHACKADOO 100 DAYS THING!
* Attempt three to post damn word verification!! NO MORE ITALIC FONTS!
Oh geez, Kyla -- I've been trying to explain BluRay v. HD-DVD to some colleagues, so perhaps they might understand better if I frame as, "think of it like Kyla's kids"
(can you email me? I can't find your address ...)
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