Yeah, we're back to that.
List of things that are being denied:
Ice chips
Ways of delivery that are being denied:
Straw cup
Sippy cup
Open cup
Syringe (she actually nearly vomited when I squirted it in my own mouth to demonstrate its safety)
Soda can
Drizzling into mouth with straw
Hours she went without wetting a diaper yesterday: 7
She's not awake yet this morning, but I snuck in to feel her diaper. It is dry. Her last wet diaper was at 9pm. Its 9am. That's twelve hours.
I'm calling the ped. Can we all hope KayTar wakes up very, very thirsty? My one goal, ONE GOAL this year was to stay out of the hospital. And, it is day 9. NINE. And here we are teetering on this very familiar edge. Dude!
And oopsie, this was not exactly what you'd call wordless.
I'll keep you posted. Think thirsty thoughts.
ETA: She's had a few ounces since waking, but she hasn't wet at all...in 15 hours. We have a ped appointment to get her evaluated for dehydration. We'll see how it goes.
ETA again: The ped checked her out and sent us home to try and squeeze some more liquid into her. She said she has blisters in her throat (that are NOT strep) that are probably the cause for not drinking or eating. She also said if she can wet two diapers a day, we can stay out of the hospital. She's wet one today, a little after the 16 hour mark. So we need a second before bedtime, ideally. We shall see.
ETA times three: Houston, we have pee-pee. We also have a little girl who is still awake because as soon as she lays down she coughs until she gags...but we have PEE-PEE. And that's golden. Snort. Golden. Heh. I hope tomorrow is a better day.
come on little sponge. Big, thirsty sponge.
Thinking the thirstiest of thoughts! Too bad it's winter, you could let them play with the hose. Charlie always drinks out of the hose.
I wonder if she's coming down with what Bub has and is therefore regressing in this area?
Oh, dear. I'm terribly thirsty just thinking about it. I wish her all of my thirst, and the willingness to quench by whatever means.
(Does she ever drink bath water? My daughter imbibes a fair amount in the course of playing with her bath toys. It's not the ideal recommended beverage, but it is hydration...)
I'll be thinking of you.
(Oh, and the photo was cute! That's quite a lineup of rejected receptacles.)
That's okay - now, I am thirsty - and I have those Nearly Wordless Wednesday, too!
Wow. She vomited just by watching you?
I will think hydrating thoughts.
Sorry Kyla - hope she wakes up thirsty!
oh no.... everyday, I hope your year is improving.
Sending all thirsty thoughts and vibes your way.
oh... i hope this is very, very brief. maybe mad is right, if she's just run of the mill sick that may be what is causing it, and she may go back when she is well. fingers crossed...
I had the same thought Mad did. I really hope she woke up thirsty...
Are popsicles at all an option for KayTar? When Adam has been close to dehydration, we've really pushed the popsicles. They even have Pedialyte ones that don't taste too bad.
Hope she gets thirsty SOON!!!
Oh Kyla. Still nothing?
I hope she gets thirsty and okay to drink. I hope the ped visit goes okay. I hope you avoid the hospital. I hope...all goes well and easier soon.
Do these incidents get worse after stress and an episode? Is there a pattern (my mind seems to think so but I'm not tracking it carefully, I'm sorry).
I hope she has had a wet diaper by now. I feel so bad for you guys. I really, really hope yall can avoid a hospital stay.
Fingers and toes crossed she hydrates soon.
Stories like this make me thankful Bug had a g-tube.
Oh Kyla. I wish I could give you a great big squeeze. What an awful week it's been for you.
Praying for thirst. And drinking. And more thirst and drinking.
Kyla, like Julie I'm looking for a pattern here... how is this related to the episode - from your experience from past episodes, is there a time period after which it gets better? Do you see any difference now than following the last episode? Ie. is she reverting to "normal" quicker than she did last time? Or not?
What about other behaviour - reading, talking, etc. Is that reverting to normal (as in before this episode) now?
I am sending thirsty, thirsty vibes to little KayTar.
Oh, hon. And here mine won't stop drinking the bathwater. Have you tried that?
I hope Mad's right and it's just a temporary thing.
Poor little thirsty bug.... I hope she's up and cheerful and DRINKING.
I will think thirsty thoughts. And I will do this:
"Okay, 2008. I think Kyla's kids have had just about enough crap from you, now. Smarten up and be a kinder, gentler year, okay?"
I've been out of town and am just now getting caught up. Hang in there Kyla, things are going to turn around. Poor things, all of you.
C'mon...PEE, KayTar, PEE. You can do it!!! Drink some of that yummy juice and PEE!!!!!!
Here's hoping for a wet diaper before bed.
thirsty thoughts and prayers being sent your way...
I hope she's peeing up a storm as I type this...
Poor girl.
Blisters in her little throat?? Makes me gag thinking about it. Prayers for healing of blisters -- and huge, huge thirst.
Oh, baby...drink for us, will ya?
Crossing my fingers, Kyla.
Kyla really. What can I say?
You are a star.
Hopped over here after reading Julie's tribute. How moving it was!
I had to read your old posts to get caught up. Wow. What a challenge. Julie's post pertaining to your grace under pressure seems spot on.
After reading your posts I'll be checking back often--now I'm "involved" and will need updates. Here's thinking lots of good and positive thoughts.
Mine is obsessed with drinking anything that belongs to a stranger.
Crossing my fingers for you...
"Houston, we have pee pee" See, your outlook and optimism while being so acutely aware of what is going on is amazing.
oh that little kaytar! hang in there guys. . .
Running on empty
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