I took BubTar on a walk and took a ton of photos.
Then he went swimming while KayTar had some low key time with my mom.
And this evening, he spiked a fever. I didn't pack the thermometer (wishful thinking, much?) but it is at least a 102. He didn't move a muscle once his fever started, even when his cousins came to visit. He's feeling pretty poorly. I gave him Motrin before bed, hoping to help him sleep through the night.
Tomorrow we check out at 11am. Our flight isn't until 9:20pm. We will hang out at the residence of the wedding in the meantime, with KayTar the Anxious and BubTar the Feverish. They are going to be tanked before we ever make it to the airport. We won't arrive at home until midnight IF everything is running on time. I hope hope HOPE everything is running on time.
Wish us luck. Getting home is going to feel better than it ever has before.
Glad everything is a little calmer. Wishing you an uneventful flight home!
Lots of luck. Glad you had a low-key day but sorry about the fever.
Tomorrow sounds long. I hope it goes okay, better than you might expect.
Hang in there and here's to a happy homecoming that feels sooner rather than later.
oy. good luck.
Sorry it's not going better. What a cutie you have in Bubtar, though. You can just see his personality shining through.
I hope BubTar is all better by morning. It is no fun travelling with one, let alone two, children who are not 100%.
Hopefully there'll be no delays/weather messups or otherwise, and you will be as painlessly as possible.
What a trip! I am glad you had some time to relax before heading home. Hope everyone gets a chance to recover.
Praying that you guys have a safe, easy trip.
Good luck! Feel better, everyone!
oh honey. good lord. good luck. damn that fever. hug the flutter hard for me.
Homecoming always feels good. I'm sure it will be even better with everyone having had such a rough time being away.
2008 is GOING to be GOOD...I just know it.
This is not the way to start a new year BUT in the scholarly words of Howard Jones, "things can only get better!"
Hope you had an easy flight home...and everyone is feeling better. Including yourself.
Here's to a better 2008 than it started out to be.
For both of us.
oh no! Hoping you all arrive home safely sans fevers and sensory overload.
As I write this on Saturday afternoon, I'm hoping you are home and finally relaxing -- hopefully with two children sound asleep??? Too much to ask? Maybe not!! Praying for good health for everyone!!
Oh wow...I'm exhausted just thinking about your weekend! Hope your trip home goes as smoothly as possible!
Hope the trip back is MUCH less eventful!
Good luck. You deserve some good luck! Come on 2008 stop being such a jerk.
bubtar looks so cute in those shots.
Home never sounded so good I'm sure!
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