Dude, I'm doing this. And I'm slightly terrified. The what-ifs are just a-rattling around my head.
What if KayTar has an episode when I am supposed to be in class?
What if she gets super sick?
What if she has to go to the hospital?
What if we have to be inpatient for testing again?
What if when I have weeks like this, I get way behind in my work?
What if my head explodes and it makes a mess all over my computer screen?
But then I think, I WANT this. I am committed. I can make it happen. I can push through this, right?
And I think the answer is yes.

PS: The KayTar had a rough night last night. She drank! (YAY!) And she peed! (YAY!) But she also coughed until she gagged for most of the night. Her daddy finally went to sleep in her bed with her at about 12:30 and she fell asleep sometime after. This morning she woke up and said, "Hurt my head!" and couldn't deal with any of the lights being on. She guided me to my bed and asked to be put in it and she promptly fell back asleep and is still sleeping as I write. She's still rough around the edges for sure, but she's taken in enough fluid that I feel safe we aren't headed to the hospital in the imminent future. [insert huge sigh of relief here]
PPS: I hear it is also delurking day, so if you are out there being a lurky lurker, say hi. Pretty please?
i'm absolutely certain that you can do it, and do it well.
You are gonna do SO great! I am very excited for you and proud of you. I can't wait to hear all about it!
Yes, you want this. Yes, you can push through the challenges that happen. You have friends who will help. YOU CAN DO THIS!
Yay for Kaytar.
So darlin', just what is it that you want to be when you are 'all growed up?'
Classes! I know you'll do GREAT, Kayla!
I often feel like a walking billboard for reproductive restraint. OFTEN.
You will be surprised how accomadating colleges are to adult learners. This is Awesome for you and I am certain that you will love it and do well.....
Yeah! You WILL do it, despite all the "what ifs".
You are going to do fabulous Kyla!
A whole other journey is about to begin :)
And YAY for Kaytar peeing and drinking. WOOT!
We can't let the 'what ifs' stop you from claiming our passions in life, right? You're going to be great. I know it.
Fantastic! You are going to rock it, I'm sure.
And if any challenges come up, I'm sure your profs will be supportive in light the hard work and dedication I'm sure you'll bring to your studies.
Congratulations! Can't wait to read all about it.
I am taking this semester 6 classes! I will be going to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8am to 9pm!!! I have a two year old at home, started my own business and work a few hours at my normal job, and my husband brought a new puppy home last night. Surprise!
My advice is to take every day at a time. Don't sweat the small stuff, just focus on your goals.
The good things about school is that usually you can always take off when there is an emergency.
Good Luck and I am sure you will do just fine!
That's so awesome that you've signed up. Of course you're going to wonder what if, but whatever happens I know you'll cope like a champ AND do brilliantly in school!
Glad KayTar is doing ok...
I'm registering on Monday and I'm also feeling my stomach soaring as I jump.
If anyone can do this, Kyla...it is YOU! It may not always be easy, but it will be worth it. I'm super proud of you.
Yay! yay for you - I know you'll make it. You've done harder things, and knowing what you wants means you can put your head down and push through it. You've got the smarts, the guts, the strength, and the support. You're gonna be great, Kyla.
And also Yay for KayTar drinking. I am so relieved that you aren't hospital bound once more this time.
I have been a long time reader- I like your blog- Your family seems like such a nice one. Glad K-tar is doing better. Congrats on going to school- which I had the nerve to do it!!!
Keep it up and keep writing- I check in every day.
Good for you Kayla....
You CAN do it...
Hi. You'll be terrific.
I'm mainly a lurker though I do believe I've posted a time or two.
I thoroughly enjoy keeping up with the Tars. Thanks for sharing.
Much luck with school. You do everything else so well, I'm sure you'll do just fine with school.
Good luck!
I am so proud of you!!
Not a lurker, of course, but I've kind of been lurking lately and slacking on my commenting. I'm sorry.
Anyway, I'm glad Kaytar is better-ish. And I'm WAY glad that you're taking this next step. You're going to be so great. I'm kind of jealous, I miss A&P.
So glad Kaytar is doing better! I am so excited for you going back to school! You'll be fantastic!
Hey, if I can do this nursing stuff you definately can! You'll do great!!
If you want to, we might be able to work on some of the A&P stuff together. I'll have to see what book I have.
I am so excited for you. It will be worth all the hard work.
Also you look totally hot with that camera.
You can do anything you set your mind to Kyla.
YAY you! You can do it.
Hooray for you and the classes! You can do it--and even if there are bumps along the road, it will all sort itself out, don't worry.
I'm glad you've avoided the hospital--let's hope it stays that way!
you SO can do it lady. i have complete faith.
and i am not a lurker as you know but i have been a terrible reader--i have to do some catch up!
Running on empty
Dang, I missed de-lurking day by one day! Anyway, I've spend a lot of time recently reading your 2007 archives and I really really love your blog and I love reading about YOU and your family.
Good luck with your new classes!
You can do it! It's going to be awesome. Maybe hard sometimes, but awesome.
i'm proud of you. you will be awesome.
Good luck with school! And, you know all those what-ifs? You have a husband, who is their dad, and who wouldn't have signed on for this school stuff if he didn't think he could take on the extra share while you tend to your classes. Go ask him - I bet I'm right!!! And also, that extended family who seem awesome from past posts, I'm sure they can all pitch in. Just don't worry!
Now, does that college of yours offer classes in getting this 27 digit word verification right on the first (or even second) try???
Hi Kyla!
I am a long-time lurker, and I so enjoy reading about you & your family. But since you requested - I guess I will make an exception & comment today. Plus, I just found out you're going to nursing school & I am too! I have an old A&P book so let me know if you might need it - it's only from '06. And by the way - you can TOTALLY do this!
Good luck Kyla!!
Blogger Tiffany said...
Hi Kyla!
I am a new lurker! I just found your blog because I followed a link off one of Julie Pipperts photos. We sat at the same table at MDcQII, but I didn't get a chance to introduce myself. I wish I had though! My husband Jason was sitting next to Julie and I was on the other side of him at the end of the table. Since yesterday morning I've been reading all about you and your 2 kiddos and hubby and I've fallen in love with ya'll! I feel like you are the strongest person I've ever come across. It makes me think twice before complaining about my life, cause honestly it doesn't really suck at all. You're lucky to have such supportive readers and Josh sounds like an awesome husband. I look forward to reading more updates and next time actually meeting you in person!
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