My lovely little anxiety issues coupled with the fact that I just found out I lost my part time job has made me feel a bit disjointed today. Oh, you didn't know I had a part time job, did you? Its one of those off-blog things, but today I'm so pissed it is now on-blog, what are they going to do? Dooce me? Oops, too late! So the story goes that I've been doing part time after hours and work from home assignments for a local private school for a year. We've had several meetings and phone calls in which no one has ever mentioned the fact that would no longer be needing me. In fact, I spent at least 8 hours on-site this weekend, when I would have rather been with Harry Potter. Well, last night I was on-site again and I noticed the in-boxes had been changed, and I no longer had one. Oh, and my job description? It was next to someone else's name. Hmmm, interesting right? So I emailed my boss and she replied in a tone that relayed that I should have known. Riiiiight. So when I was in the office for a meeting last week and I was asking questions about the start date for the next term and about projects to be done, and they answered without mentioning the whole "You won't be working here then." side note, they just assumed I knew I wasn't returning and had a personal curiosity in the matter. What the hell? There is more, but I don't want to get into it. Damn good thing I happened to look at the boxes, or I'd think I still had a job! I shouldn't be surprised. These are the same people who disclosed KayTar's medical information without my permission as a reason why other relatives were leaving this particular establishment, when she had nothing to do with it. A letter to this effect was sent out to the parents of students, school-wide, without my permission. Okay, I'm backing away slowly from this topic, because the rage threatens to consume. It is less about the "You don't have a job." and more about the way it was handled...that is to say, NOT HANDLED, but rather left for me to determine on my own, once they had worked me sufficiently. Stepping away now...
On cheerier subjects, we took the kids to the park this weekend. When loading the kids into the car, I set my camera on top the roof and we drove away. At the first turn, we heard "Clunk, clunk, clunk." And Josh turned to me and said "Your camera was up there." And I almost died. We stopped the car and Josh went to look for the remnants and instead he found my camera, just fine, still on top the car. Wow. It was amazing.
See what I would have missed without it?

Wouldn't you be SO sad if the camera had broken?
I am so sorry about the job! I am mad at those jer-- unprofessional people on your behalf!
And yes, I am very glad your camera was ok because those pictures are adorable!
I would die about the camera. You're SOOOO lucky and those are great pics.
I'm annoyed with your job, your OLD job. But I said that before.
WAY sad!
I'm so outraged! Who lets someone go without telling him or her?
the whole job thing BLOWS!!! that is a horrible way to handle things. so sorry.
and i would have been crushed if the camera was broken. whew!
Wow, that's a new one. Reason for dismissal: We're displeased that Kyla didn't figure out on her own that she was no longer working here, and had to be told. Some people!
that was handled so poorly. i don't understand how people can be so unprofessional and uncaring. you deserve better than that - we all do.
Very strange. I hate not being in the know.
How guilty do I feel right now that your kids got park time this weekend, and my kids got "shhhhh. Mommy and Daddy are reading this very important book." I suck sometimes.
How low is that about your job? I remember the ordeal about the letter and all. What kind of person goes about not telling someone they don't have a job anymore.
I guess that is just as well because now you have more time with the kids.
I can't believe your camera was not injured. What kind of camera is that
Seriously? They did that to you? That is nasty.
It's nice to see that BubTar's face is healing well.
I owe you an e-mail, but I've got to get to bed.
Your munchkins are so cute! Thank goodness your camera survived its trip.
That really sucks about your job. BLEH.
But I can't stay too mad because lord, look at those pictures. So, so cute.
I'm having the same total panic meltdown about leaving Hailey. When do you fly out?
Email me if you have a second -
Great park pics. Hopefully next time we can make it!!
I can't believe that the camera didn't break.
That job sitch totally sucks! If I were you, I'd probably seek some legal advice about what my rights were in that situation and whether they met their legal obligations.
Have a great time this weekend and tell us all about it!
That is just terrible about your old job. It's amazing that some people can be so heartless. The nerve!
Glad your camera survived to get such awesome shots!
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