In the morning, BubTar climbed into our bed to watch cartoons just like every other morning. I don't think he even registered that I was gone and had returned. I was just there, as expected, like the sofa. You expect it to be there when it is time to sit down, so seeing it there isn't much of a shock. Every thing has its place, moms included. I asked him to snuggle up next to me, but he said, "But Mom, I can't see the TV from there!" When asked if he missed me, he replied, "Well, I don't know. What do you think?" He is so polite and careful not to offend that he could never bring himself to outright say that he did not, in fact, miss me...but his answer was telling in its own way. I am glad that he had too much fun to waste any time missing me, I think I would have felt worse to come home and hear he had really, truly missed me. KayTar's reaction was much the same. I was just home, life was as it should be. I was able to draw a better reaction out of her by playing using one of our special games, once it was done, she exclaimed "My mom!" and snuggled into my chest. Perhaps she thought I was a mirage at first. I was able to procure some excellent cuddle time after revealing myself as the True Mom. And life continued as if I'd never left.
KayTar's nervous system behaved itself for the duration, there was an increase in the involuntary eye movements, but that was the only noteworthy happening. It makes me feel good that I was able to go and nothing went awry. She's learned new things of course, she now says "Want (insert object of desire here)." instead of just naming the object repeatedly. She's added the CK sound onto "Duck." finally completing the word. She's got new dance moves (think of shaking invisible maracas). And she can finally push her baby dolls in the stroller. She never had enough balance to do so before. BubTar is BubTar. I brought him home a WebKinz from the trip and now I am "The best mom ever." but I don't really care for that title being earned through gifts, which we have discussed. He is thoroughly enjoying my swag as well. He's such a character, who knew glow-in-the-dark martini glasses would be perfect for morning milk?

I am so glad everything went smoothely while you were gone!!!
I love BubTar's response...Mme L's was much the same. Just sort of a knowing smile and a hug when I did happen wake her up at midnight.
And what an excellent use for the swag.
Whoa. The lack of comment moderation surprised me.
Now that is one classy drink of milk. I am so happy that the wee ones had a smooth time while mommy was away playing. Thank them both for me with big hugs and kisses.
Wonderful! So glad everything went well.
Fabulous use of the martini glass!
Your love for your children always comes through, MamaTar!
I'm so very, very glad that they had a good weekend, too!
We use glasses like that for other classy stuff - like jello or pudding. Klassy.
I'm glad all was well in your absence and that your kids enjoyed your swag. Especially the cool martini glass. ;-)
Awwww. I can't believe both of them could sleep through your homecoming. Mine couldn't. That explains a lot...
I'm glad they were okay while you were gone. Bub is so polite.
This is sooooooooo lovely. You capture that feeling and put me right behind you like a shadow. :)
LOL about kids.
Yeah like a sofa.
Oh I bet it is.
Now that's the best update ever! Loving that picture of you and Kaytar-simply beautiful!
Teehee -- my glow in the dark martini glass is in the front seat of my care ("It's for my baby, officer! I swear") and I'm going to throw it to Munchkin when traffic requires a new distraction ...
What an awesomely incomprehensible comment I just made. It's in my CAR to keep her amused when we get stuck in traffic. Maybe I should get some more sleep.
And yes, it's a gorgeous picture of you and KayTar
oh kyla, that last picture is so perfect.
and what you said about not wanting to be "the best mom" because of the stuff we buy or give them. i feel that too, but sometimes that is the only time i get that compliment.
Awwww! So sweet. What a beautiful description of your homecoming.
I've gotten used to the no big deal that you've been gone for three days routine. My heart aches when I'm away from the kids but life goes on for them no matter what.
I'm very happy that KayTar had a good weekend. Josh obviously makes for a great teammate! ;)
The Tar kiddos are too sweet. I love reading about you being reunited.
Maybe I should start drinking my milk in a martini glass. Very styling!
It's nice to know that you can have a bit of break without everything falling apart, isn't it? Such a relief. (Of course, I'm like - what do you mean you DIDN'T MISS ME??)
It also immensely satisfying to know that we are viewed simply as something (someone) that should be there. That's how I always thought of my parents, and I think it's a good thing.
My daughter is addicted to Webkinz! The day before we went to pick her up last month, she called and asked me if she could buy another one. Turns out she bought FOUR more! Geez louise! They are super cute, though! Glad you had a fantastic time at Blogher. Am insanely jealous! ;)
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