On the food front, she is indeed hurting. I spoke to the pediatrician and she said KayTar needs 1173 calories per day. She said her minimum energy expenditure is 674, that is what her body uses just to run properly. Anything she actually DOES is over and above that. We aren't even hitting the minimum to keep her body running on a daily basis. PediaSure here we come!! Here is the low down of what she needs:
1173 calories
13 g protein
35 oz fluid
That is insane. Today I've chased KayTar around with a bottle of milk. I've kept it full and cool, and haven't let it leave her side. Do you know how much she has drank? 12 ounces. That is it. She's having a "good" day food-wise, which means she has eaten a yogurt and two stage 2 jar foods...and her caloric intake is 505 including milk. 1173 is the impossible dream, people. It will take three PediaSures to get her up to that today. But the chances of her drinking three PediaSures today? About the same as Josh and I vacationing on Mars, without children. That is to say, its never going to happen. Ever. And because I tend to worry more than I should, I keep thinking, "If an illness blew through here and she caught it, we'd be in the ER in no time flat." I know that is negative, but again, it is realistic. If she comes down with something when she is already eating so poorly, we are sunk before we've even begun. It makes me want hole up in the house and Purell our hands every 2.5 seconds. I'm resisting that urge. We are actually going to a friend of KayTar's birthday celebration tomorrow. I'm sure the germs have RSVP'd already. These are toddlers after all. But I don't want her to miss out just because I'm slightly paranoid and one of my hobbies is worrying. It will be fun, so I'm tucking away the neuroses for the day tomorrow...and bringing the Purell.
We are on day twelve people...and it is good.
With a face like this? It has to be good.
We have days where G hardly eats, esp. on preschool days and kindy days because they have very strict guidelines about what I can bring in, so there are days when she doesn't eat until dinner time. It is not healthy but there isn't much you can do - you can't force a child to eat. Fortunately G will drink a reasonable amount of milk (actually she'd have more if I let her but I won't). None of this is any help to you, but at least you know you are not alone in worrying about your child's nutrition.
That's a good face alright.
I have issues in the car, too.
When they fight in the car, I kind of lose it.
Good luck with the germs at the party. Have you tried buidling her immunities up with echinicia concoctions that they sell as the natural pharmacies? Frustrating battle you are fighting, Kyla. Hang in there.
Lord, she's adorable! I feel your pain Kyla. In fact perhaps we should print up some t-shirts since we've been there, done that?
That face!!!! Oh, that face. Give those germs a kick in the rump today and have FUN...no worries, just fun!
Good job solving the shrieking problem! I hope it will get easier to meet those calorie, protein, & fluid requirements.
I think it's brave and kind of you to let KayTar go to the party...Purell or no.
We're back on Pediasure over here too. The cheaper Target brand, but Pediasure Liquid Gold nonetheless. Bugga and Kaytar ARE drinking from the same water source.
That face? SO. GOOD. She's unbelievably cute.
What a precious little face!
Ah, Pediasure. We get 2 or 3 cans into Miss Skinny every single day, but I'm not sure how we do it - here are all of our tricks that I can think of:
- we let her tote around an insulated cup of pediasure all the time. (only the amount that we think she could drink over a two hour period, of course)
- we mix it in with her hot cereal instead of milk
- we stir it into her ice cream, her mashed potatoes (poor baby), her yogurt - anything that would hide it.
How stressful. It is impossible to make a kid eat if she doesn't want to eat.
And ooooo is she some cute.
my son has always been skeletally thin (he is autistic and it often seems to be that way) so when he is ill he has no reserves. it is a hell of a worry isn't it?
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