Once we arrived home, we heard KayTar still being noisy in her crib, so I went in to say goodnight. I can't resist cuddling a jammie-clad baby. Well, I was surprised to see she had thrown up in her crib! She sat right up and signed "BATH!" It was adorable. We, of course, jumped right back into our real life of sheet changing and baby bathing as soon as we got home. *lol* I went out a bit later to shop for Josh, because we didn't spend our dinner budget, so he wanted an extra gift. As I was returning home from Walmart at midnight, Josh calls my cell and says that BubTar was throwing up at his grandmother's and I need to pick him up. We arrived home to Josh rearranging the living room (at midnight?!? YES.) and KayTar still wide awake. It was 12:30 before everyone finally settled into bed.
All in all it was a long night, but we didn't mind. Being out with our friends was so refreshing, that we were all ready for cleaning up vomit and waking in the wee hours with our kiddos.
These are from last night, she is propped up by the couch, but still entirely adorable.
If you're wondering, the couch is no longer in that position do to the rearranging. *lol*
PS: Is the Blogger Beta worth the switch?
She's a sweetie - and I hope she's feeling better today :)
I like blogger beta (esp. the categories) - it wasn't painful to switch at all. Definitely worth it!
"Cheesecake Factory; we had drinks"
Wait, there is a magical place that sells both cheesecake _and_ drinks?!?
Ooooooh, I am soooo envious!! LOL :)
I want to know about beta too....I'll keep checking back.
I loooooovveeee footie pjs!
I think beta is worth the switch.
Re: Blogger Beta: Go for it! It's easier to use once you get the hang of it, especially if you don't have to import a header or custom-made template. Categories are the best feature, IMO.
Isn't that funny how sometimes you don't realize you need a break until you get that "refresher" and then you feel so much better? I totally understand.
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