If you knew us, you would know that we are sticklers for bedtime around here. We can give and take maybe 30 minutes around bedtime, but it is a constant in our lives. We round them up and tuck them in, and enjoy blessed adult television time. Last night I was in the bedroom hanging up laundry, and I heard a sweet little voice on the monitor. She had been in bed for an hour and hadn't fussed at all, she was just babbling to herself, or maybe to her blankey, I'm not sure. I couldn't resist. I told Josh I was going to check on her and when I entered her room she popped up and starting giggling and clapping. That sealed the deal. I scooped her up and danced around the room with her. She snuggled and giggled some more. Josh heard us laughing together and came in as well. He hugged her and talked to her, and then he put his t-shirt on her. She loved it. Since she was up already, we decided to bring her back to the living room. She was being totally adorable. So adorable it made bedtime disappear. She stayed up for about an hour with us, just being adorable and letting us bask in the warmth of her smile.
Yesterday was awful. KayTar napped from 4:30-7:45 in the evening after we came home. Once BubTar went to bed, I snuck KayTar out for a late night Walmart run. We needed batteries, so I used it as an excuse to kidnap her and take her out past her bedtime. She was so silly and wonderful while we were out (although I think she was a bit confused about why it was dark). She asked for Cheetos (point, grunt, sign "eat") so I bought them for her. It felt so rebellious! We were out past bedtime AND buying junk food. I even opened them for her in the checkout line. After the day she had, I would have bought her a pony, I think...so the Cheetos were a reasonable request. She nibbled on the sides of the Cheetos, like tiny corn on the cob. She even swallowed some (although much of it was spit out). She signed to me to ask for more. We had a blast.
Our days are filled with testing and therapy, but our nights are filled with swoony baby love, complete with sloppy baby kisses and belly laughs. We aren't throwing bedtime out the window, I'm sure tonight it will be back to normal...but its nice to know we can throw it out once in a while and fill that time with special time just for us. An hour filled with sloppy baby kisses and belly laughs now and again is better than the best therapy. :)
Here are some photos of our secret evenings together:
Wearing Daddy's shirt and sitting in the block tub
Wearing BubTar's hat
This one just cracks me up...what a face!
Could you make that sweetness go to bed? I don't think so.
I LOVE THAT SECOND PICTURE! What a sweetheart! Our baby stays up later than her big brother and sister too, supposedly because we're teaching her to fall asleep in her own bed but mostly because mama and dada want some baby snuggling time. It is the sweetest, best time of day, isn't it!
Hi! I just found you via Kari's Couch. My son has Developmental Delays, and until he was 4 was undiagnosed. And the diagnosis he now has, doesn't cover all of "it". I am bookmarking you, and I want you to know that if you have any questions as you navigate your Children's hospital, I am HERE!!!
I'm so glad you are having some delicious baby time amidst all the poking and prodding (blood work is the worst).
Ah kids can be so sweet...when they're not throwing fits that is! :)
I have yet to engage in the post-bedtime cuddle - but every time I read about it (here and in Bringing Up Ben and Birdy), I'm amazed - the flexibility! the willingness to stray from the routine! I'm in awe.
Great photos..the last on is my favorie :) Kids are treasures. Love your blog!
You sound like me... totally OK with temporarily erasing life's boundaries if it makes you and your child happy. I think that's wonderful. And considering what you go through during the day, this does sound like the best therapy. She will be secure, happy and loved because of these Cheeto and late-night dancing memories.
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