Awesome, right? Now I have a super cute bottle to carry my water around with me at school. Water will be a must when I'm hauling my huge backpack around downtown in this mind-melting heat! CafePress offers a great selection of personalized items, as well as a huge variety of ready-made items. In fact, my good blog friend, Bennie, just opened a CafePress store to sell he and his son Ben's artwork and products. If you'd like a chance to win your very own Sigg bottle (you can create one for yourself or choose one of the ready-made ones) all you have to do is leave a comment on this post by 11:59pm CST on Wednesday, August 25th. Easy peasy!
OMG! First One!
That bottle is super cute! One of my favorite pics of the kiddos! Great job!
That is really cute!
It's so cute! I'd love to win one :)
Count me in! Who wouldn't want a great water bottle with your kids' cutie mugs on it?
Yeah, I can see me handwashing that every day:)
Loving it...and what a great gift idea too! You know, for thirsty grandparents and such. So...yay! I'm entering your giveaway with this here comment. :)
Loving the mug... It would look great with my classroom kids on ut, I teach students with disabilities would look great with them on it. Count me in the drawing. Thanks jodie q
Love the blog and am always happy to read about your beautiful family! Take care!
Aww great water bottle! :)
Wow. Do you get paid for the press? Or just the water bottle? It is cute.
Very cool! I didn't know they did Sigg bottles.
I'm in. The picture looks great on the bottle!
Very cute. I don't actually want to be entered b/c shipping to Switzerland (where, ahem, the Sigg is from) is silly expensive. Just wanted to say I loved the picture on your bottle.
Love your water bottle. I'd love one of my kids too!
momofabc at nycap.rr.com
it's looks great kyla! And I would love one too :)
That bottle is adorable! I'd love to win one!
oooh! i always use reusable bottles and would LOVE a personalized one! too fun.
(hey, CafePress... visit my blog, I'd do a giveaway for you, too!)
Great idea for a water bottle!
This is adorable! I would love one too!
That's a cool sigg bottle, and an utterly adorable photo!
What an awesome idea for a water bottle! I'd love to win one. Thanks!
Your kids are too cute! What a great idea to put their smiling faces on your water bottle!
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