KayTar hasn't had an episode all year!
KayTar hasn't had to go to the hospital all year!
Neither of my children have been to the pediatrician's office this year!
Referring to this post, of course. We made it 13 days, though, not too shabby! Monday, if her fever and wet cough haven't resolved, we'll lose another item on the list, but the two items I care most about still remain true and that is more than enough for me.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything clears up over the weekend. Hopefully you'll be saying #5 at the END of this year! :)
Oh, sorry! But no episodes! Yay!
Poor wee girl.
Hope she kicks it quickly.
There are still positives there! Yeah!
Oh! The angel baby!
I hope she gets better sooner rather than later, so your list stays unretouched.
still positive, 'specially no *whispers as not to curse it* episodes.
Hope she's better soooooon!!!!!
I'm so sorry she's sick.
That is one AMAZING picture. Put a DSLR in your hands and you blossomed!!!!
Still no episodes? That's good news!!! A fever and a cough...you can deal with those!
That's such a sweet photo.
hoping very very hard that no more items get crossed off.
my life's mission is to avoid trips to the ER.
what a photo!
Your stamina astounds. But love will do that, I guess.
Hoping she is feeling much better very soon. And so glad the two biggies are still on the list.
OK, 3 out of 7...that is not too bad. :)
Feel better soon, Sleeping Beauty!
(P.S. You are on a roll with the fantastically awesome photos lately!)
Oh, little girl...
So sweet.
I'm pulling for her (and you).
Hey. No home amputations so far, at least :-)
Sweet girl with her little hand curled up under her.
*Heavy sigh*
What are you gonna do?
The picture if big time "oof" though, isn't it? So sweet.
Here is hoping nothing else gets crossed off the list....
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