This boy...

thankfully and mercifully, WIPED HIS OWN TUSH, successfully!
And this guy...

pre-ordered Guitar Hero Aerosmith for me. Niiiiiice. He also got me Xbox points for downloading fancy new songs. Also niiiice.
I'd say it was a totally wonderful day, but that would be a little bit untrue. Josh had a migraine for half the day, BubTar was cranky as all get out (when he's cranky he LOVES to pick arguments with me, I must have a target on my forehead), and that sort of tainted the first half of the day. But overall it was great. Yummy food, lots of swimming, and family. Oh, and lots of potty milestones to go around. KayTar's was totally prompted. She always goes after her baby food, so Josh just plopped her on the potty and she went. She said, "Oh! Dat's tickley!" and "Chocolate! I WUV chocolate!" She's so hilarious. Honestly, I'm just glad it didn't end at the ER like last year! Anything would have been a success after that!
Yay for potty milestones!! No one deserved a nice Mother's Day more than you, Kyla!
Yeah for Mother's day! Now if only we could make our life perfect, if just for one day...
Sounds glorious to me!!!
Poop where it's supposed to go is the best gift a child can give.
Flowers wither and die but the gift of potty never grows old.
I love how BubTar's face looks in the second photo! It's as if he's saying, "Mommmmm! Don't talk about wiping my butt on yer blog."
What fabulous "gifts" from all!!
Heh. Love Aliki's comment.
Jack, too, has turned into a self-wiper. Woo hoo!
now THAT is a good day.
Poop? Musta been a gas!
Sounds like the best Mother's Day gifts one could ask for...
oh what standards. Yes anything beats the ER
Yay for the potty successes!
Aerosmith's Guitar Hero (he says as he drools).
I can't decide which is better (and oh my holy heck: "chocolate"? hilarious). Even with the rotten start it still sounds like a winner of a day. Happy Belated Mother's Day Kyla.
The Bumps
Chocolate for potty!!! LOve it. I have a funny granddaughter story for that. Maybe I'll post it.
Way to go, Kaytar!
I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day! Pooping progress is certainly something to be celebrated!
I had to smile when I read about your gift from Josh. You are SO going to love that!
Way to go Tar kids, giving mommy a break.
Great pix, too :)
yay! now, if you could get kaytar on the phone to talk to toodlepeep about how it's done, that'd be GREAT!!!!
Wow, awesome mothers day@!
That is SO CUTE!! It sounds like aside from cranky men you had a really good mothers day!! I love the gifts you got!
That is SO CUTE!! It sounds like aside from cranky men you had a really good mothers day!! I love the gifts you got!
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