But, and this is a big important but, she seems to have come around regardless. She has been accepting Pediasure for two days, which is coincidentally timed with the advent of the chart, but completely unrelated because the only thing the chart elicits is shouts of no. Yesterday she hit a caloric record! 1266 calories in a single day! She had 3 Pediasures, 2 pieces of Dominos thin crust pizza, and a serving of potato chips to accomplish this. Healthy? Meh. Hearty? Yes.
We had her ARD meeting on Thursday and it went well. I went into it with some reservations, I had been called earlier in the week to informed that they were not going to go along with the initial placement recommendations (4 day/3 hour inclusion class). They were uncomfortable with her being in an environment without a nurse present, because of the episodes, and were going to place her in the 5 day/3 hour special education preschool class. KayTar needs appropriate peer models, and I wasn't exactly comfortable trading in the certain benefits of that environment for the possible benefits of having a nurse available. Although, it turned out that although she will be largely in the special education class, she will still spend a good amount of time in a regular education class for inclusion, so I am pleased. I'm also happy to say that regardless of the horror stories I've heard, our transition to the district has been really, really pleasant. Everyone we've been in contact with genuinely wants to see KayTar placed appropriately and have the services that she needs. And for that, I am very, very thankful.

Go, KayTar! Pizza's the best!
And she's looking so OLD all of a sudden. How did that happen?
What a wonderful post to read. Good news all around! Wonderful.
So glad she's eating! and best luck with all that school stuff. I have a feeling she's going to thrive...and seeing all those other kids eating...she's gonna be one hungry monster!
hey if a girl's gonna chow, I agree with the pizza choice! She is such a sweet little puzzle, that one
Pizza! That's awesome!
That must be such a huge relief, Kyla. Good for her, and good for you, too.
And honestly, I think peer pressure can go a long way towards seom positive behaviours as well as the negative ones we automatically think of. Heck, peer pressure potty trained my child, and kids in a group setting will usually sit down and eat a snack or a meal, take part in a craft to some degree, and so on, so I hope it gives you even more gains than you are hoping for!
I just can't get over how old she looks with her precious glasses! :) Hooray for pizza!!!! I think Kaytar is going to blow everyone away in school! She is an amazing child!
Love, Cori
I must admit I'd had my hopes up when I read about the food chart. But, hey, at least she's eating something now.
Still LOVING those glasses on your sweet girl.
Bummer about the chart backfiring. But I can't believe how many calories she took in the other day! Whoa!
I'm glad the school placement looks like it's going to work out okay in the end.
oh she looks so grown up in that photo.
1200 calories - AWESOME
yay for eating and good placements :)
look how grown up she's getting....
and let's HEAR IT for the pizza.
She's eating again, and you had a great placement meeting...sounds like you guys are finally getting cut a little break from the universe. Now perhaps those folks in your school district could tell the people in my district how it's done!
I'm so glad the school situation is working out....and food, too!!! You know, the eating and the chart may not be totally unrelated. She's not willing to succomb to stickers and such, but the chart is there and she's eating.
She's so adorable in those glasses. How many times have I said that now??
I am so glad it went well! And I'm even happier to read that she's back to eating. Hooray!
Thank God. I'm in San Antonio and had to go find a computer to log on to just to make sure little Kaytar had eaten.
Hell yes for pizza!
I adore that picture of her!
Thrilled that the transition is going beautifully!
I'm so glad to hear some good news. Two pieces of pizza? Way to go KayTar!
Yes to what Slouching Mom and others have said. Whoa!!! She is really growing up.
And over 1200 calories in day?! Good for her!
I'm glad that you're comfortable with the arrangement. That has got to be a very tough decision.
Hooray for progress, whatever form it takes!
I will join her in her pizza and chips, that suddenly big girl.
Pizza is my favourite too. I hope I'm not being presumptuous by saying that peer pressure works for food too. The Boy eats things at daycare that he would NEVER touch at home. Perhaps this will convince Kaytar to eat more??
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