I talked to our insurance agent (who is a lovely and kind woman, from what I can tell) today. I asked her if I needed to disclose what specialists KayTar is seeing, even if it is for an undiagnosed condition. She said, yes, they would need that information on the application.
She said, "What specialists is she seeing and why?"
I skirted the issue a bit, "Well, like a neurologist and geneticist for some unresolved neurological concerns."
Then she said, "Kyla, do you guys have any other options?"
Yes and no. Yes and no.
Taking a pay cut to qualify for CHIP is our last resort.
She said, "Oh good. CHIP. That would take care of her for sure."
It is good that we have a fall back plan.
But it is bad that we have to contemplate taking a pay cut to get our child insurance.
It is bad that although we have the money to pay for insurance and are willing to do so, we might not have access to it.
It is bad that when an insurance company looks at her application, they will deny it because the amount they will have to pay out exceeds our premiums.
It is bad that kids like KayTar and their parents have to jump through these hoops just to make sure their children are protected.
It is bad that children are just dollar signs for these companies and that unfortunately, my little girl happens to have a negative sign next to her.
Then the agent said, "But you know, I've heard that to qualify for CHIP you have to be without insurance for three months before being accepted."
And that is bad, too.
It just shouldn't be this hard to protect something this precious.

Update: I had the agent look over our application once I had completed it and she said, "I am not hopeful for [KayTar]." Dude. When your insurance agent thinks you'll be denied, it is not a good sign. I asked her if it is even worth wasting the application fee if denial is a sure thing, but I'm waiting to hear back. I keep thinking that this can't really be happening, but it totally is. She will be without insurance in two weeks. Unbelievable. It kind of makes me feel like this:

honey, every time i hear Universal Health Care being touted all I can think of is you and your babies and the millions like you who deserve so much better, these basic rights that our country should afford.
I am so, so sorry.
You're are absolutely right. It shouldn't be that hard. You shouldn't have to take steps backwards in order to go forward.
I get so passionate about your posts that I never check my grammar. Arrr...
I hate our system.
Kyla, I honestly think that someone with connections needs to start getting some people in power to read your blog.
Yeah, I don't understand this. My ex and I have paid through the nose to take care of D. Insurance for people with small business is just for nothing almost. And who cares? I mean, really? Who is the person who we can get interested in the child who needs O/T, PT, Speech, Behavioral therapy, the whole 9? So frustrating, my sister.
I hate it too, so much.
It absolutely shouldn't be this hard. It's criminal, absolutely criminal, that it is this hard for you and so many others.
Just. Plain. Wrong.
We need universal health care.
oh, Kyla. It is heartbreaking. And do you know, I hear you. I really do. My husband works for (cuss, cuss) insurance company and we can not afford the benefits. We are all on S-Chip. His company has been sending out memos reminding him that he should strongly consider his position on universal health care when voting time comes. Gosh, whatever do they mean?
AMEN to that last sentence. It's crazy nuts as I well know. And yes, Kaytar is soooo precious--great picture.
I've said it before, and I say it again - this is just so simply, plain and simply wrong.
I'm in shock reading this. It's just wrong. Plain and simple: wrong.
I am so sorry.
i wish you all lived in australia. it simple wouldn't be an issue here... i should clarify... the therapy programs might not be as plentiful here... but the medical care would be there for her and it would all be covered by medicare. kaytar deserves better.
You are so right.
(And I love the treatment on those photos, especially the first one!)
Wow, taking a pay cut is drastic and a sad comment on our current health care system.
This is a leap here (but maybe not as big a leap as a pay cut!) but, I'll suggest it anyway. Have either of you looked into employment by the federal government?
Federal employees have an option of several programs and I'm fairly sure the provider cannot exclude for preexisting conditions.
I know a job change would be huge but maybe it is an option to consider.
I can't imagine how difficult this must be right now. She is so beautiful...
em said it -- kaytar deserves better. as do all the children who are currently underserved (or unserved) by our current system.
I can't even tell you how crazy it makes me, reading this stuff. I mean, yeah, it's not ideal that we had to wait 18 months to see anyone qualified to give Bub a diagnosis (and are still waiting for any actual services pending the written confirmation of that diagnosis), but still - what you're going through is just mind-boggling to me.
It makes me so mad to hear about what you're going through with insurance coverage. It's an absolute CRIME that you can be essentially denied coverage like that. I mean, I know they can't deny you coverage for a preexisting condition since she's already insured, but it sounds like they might as well be. ((hugs))
I am speechless.... I am so sorry you are facing all of this.
On a different note, the pictures are beautiful!
Bang bang bang!
(that's my head on the wall)
I can't imagine. I am so sorry.
I hate that this is so hard. Just hate it!
On a brighter note, those pictures are amazing!
I have nothing awesome to say, my fingers were on the keyboard when I banged my head against it in frustration.
No it should not Kyla, no it should not.
Adding to Tammi's post- The health programs from the Federal Govt aren't fantastic, but I have seen worse, much worse. If that is something you truly would look into here is the link for the Army Civilian positions. My husband is Army civilian. Just follow the employment links
It really is just terrible. I really hope that whoever gets the presidency actually comes through with some sort of healthcare reform. I've looked over the platforms and not a single one of them looks good.
It really isn't right.
It's wrong on so many levels.
I'm so mad for you I can't even see straight. How is this right? What can we do to change this?
I think of y'all often. This is profoundly unjust.
So I'm not sure if this helps you at all... but the 90-day waiting period for CHIP is waived if you previously spent 10% or more of your family's gross income on her old insurance coverage. BTW, I usually just lurk and pray for you & yours, but I think this whole insurance thing just stinks!
How awful. I can't believe our country.
We just heard that although congress wanted to increase Headstart by 150 million when all was said and done they CUT it by 10 million.
I pray Anika will still be able to attend next year. The program is phenomenal and she's made such huge progress.
What really floors me is a piece I heard on public radio saying we spend more money on military than ALL the nations COMBINED!
Seriously they need to make some money available for kids.
I'm so sorry you are going through this.
Have you looked into Scottish Rite for speech? We get free speech through them. Shriner's might be able to offer you guys something for free too if you have it.
Again so sorry...this is so wrong.
damn it.
that is all i can say.
damn it!!!
this! is! not! fair!
It is unbelievable that the most powerful country in the WORLD puts its citizens through this kind of SHITE! I am appalled and frustrated (also -- there's a FEE to even apply for insurance coverage???)
I wish I could fix it for you. Maybe you should consider moving to Norway. Or Canada. The health care systems are not perfect in either country, but at least they are available to EVERYONE.
Hugs!! Heidi
It is absolutely unacceptable that families such as yours are in this position. How insane that you should even have to consider a pay cut as a solution.
I had a meeting this morning in which I expressed displeasure at the inadequacy of all of the services I am being provided. This really puts that fight into perspective.
It is so wrong that you have to battle the insurance company for this sweet, sweet girl to get what she needs.
You know, I recently spent time on the pregnancy boards as Ivillage and Baby Centre. Oh how many American women had already had more than one ultrasound by 8 wks gestation. Oh how many had charts tracking their Hcg levels. Oh how many had been to their doctor multiple times. THIS IS WRONG. The HMO's are selling luxury to the rich not HEALTH CARE. The excess of it all wouldn't make me so very ill if I didn't know about Kay-Tar and oh so many, many more sick and helpless people in your country.
I have no good suggestions. All I can say is I'm sorry. So sorry. I hope a miracle occurs for you. I will add you and your little one to my prayers tonight.
She is precious and definitely deserves better!!!
This sort of thing makes me sick. It really does. And I'm not trying to make some sort of twisted joke about health insurance, because it isn't funny to those who suffer the consequences.
Praying for a miraculous something for you.
Oh man, I wish I could help. I've never understood why the States doesn't have the same kind of health care that we have up here.
Praying for a solution..
as someone who has a compromised immune system thanks to a crappy roll of the genetic dice, i can tell you how much i feel for you. my treatments are wildly expensive. if not for my husband's health coverage, i'd be right there with you. i think about what would happen if i had no insurance and had to approach insurance with the damned "preexisting condition."
it's. not. right.
i want the candidates to talk more about health coverage for all. not being able to care for someone sick because of finances is just something that shouldn't be happening anymore in a nation like ours.
i'm with you, kid. hoping that gorgeous child gets whatever she needs.
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