Become this sleepy school-aged head?

How do these tiny brand new feet...

Become these size 12's?

How does this baby in a basket...

become this big, big kid in a basket?

How does this baby in a suit...

Become this handsome young man?

How does this raspberry blowing 1 year old...

Become this raspberry blowing 4 year old (older photo)?

How does this first haircut...
Become haircut #(I have no idea)?

How does this chubby cheek...

Become this?

How does this big blue eyed baby...

Become this big blue eyed boy?

This week I had to buy BubTar both new shoes (in size 12) and new pants ( in size 6 slim) and it caused my Where Did My Baby Go Syndrome to act up. My fat, round little baby...the one I always had to buy at least two sizes up for, so he could have room in the waist, now needs his pants in a slim, because he is so tall and trim. Sigh. The very last place his pudge disappeared was in his wrist folds. He kept a little extra padding there for a while after it disappeared from everywhere else...but alas, that has been gone a while now. He is all boy now, long and lanky as they come, that chubby baby boy lives only in my memories and the snapshots I have hoarded away for days like these.
What fabulous pairs of photos! I'm quite impressed that you foundhad all those corresponding ones.
And wow, he sure has changed. The cute little baby has become a handsome big boy.
Sweet sweet pictures! Thank you for a nice morning break!
I'm going to go squeeze Charlie's chubby little tummy now while I still can!
Why will no photos load for me. But the impact of your words. Oh. I know. Soon he will be taller than you.
Your techie post made me laugh. My girls understand tech stuff so much more than I do, tho it sounds like you have a fair handle on it.
love this. especially the basket shots! awesome!
What a great progression... love these photos.
Those are awesome.
The only place my babies have any chubby left is in their cheeks. And I have to kiss them.
I love this too, he was a gorgeous baby! The eyes get me every time!
oh my. This even makes me wistful.
In some shots he looks so much like his sister.
your kids are lovely.
i have been suffering from where'smybabyitis lately with D. he is just over 5, but it seems like he's getting to be such a big boy.
Going through the same thing with both girls. Sigh...they grow up way too fast.
Loved all the Bubtar pics :)
Keep snapping those photos because before you know it you will be taking him to the DMV to get that learner's permit and then handing him the keys to the car, then soon after you'll be filling in those college applications and dropping him off at his dorm. (BTDT..glad I still have a few more kiddos at home)
It goes by so FAST!!!!!
Mine too. He's all ribs and elbows now, forcing me to squelch down the urge to shout, "Grow a butt!" when he streaks by me.
Awwwwww. And love the photo pairs.
You people held a secret conference and agreed to post ADORABLE BABY to KID photos today and choke up the entire blogosphere, didn't you?!?!
Don't think I haven't noticed that it is a pattern!
He is something special, that Bub.
I love this sequence! How does it happen, indeed.
Bubs is SO CUTE. And I swear that first shot of sleeping baby made my ovaries ache. *Must concentrate on poverty and reasons why now is NO TIME TO MAKE adorable, squishy babies.*
Kyla, those photos are so, so cute! I love seeing lil' Bub pictures!!!
Gosh doesn't it tear at your heart. You adore the little person they have become but you miss the baby they were.
he is so so beautiful
Oh, my heart aches! While I love each new stage, my arms ache for the babyhood again.
And a handsome little guy he is, K. But I understand, because Pumpkinpie isn't even four yet and I have those days, too!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog the other day and commenting on Home Visits in America.
I love this post! Your son is so beautiful, his eyes are just so sweet. I often look at my 3 girls and think the same thing. Especially, when they are sleeping, I go check on them and stop and look and remember. People always told me, "it goes by so fast," and it is so true!! The good thing is, I enjoy, love each phase of the journey!!!
Have a great Saturday.
oh, that first haircut photo is SOOOO sweet!
I don't know where they go, I don't. But it happens too soon. Thanks for the reminder, I need to go smooch on some babyfat.
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