In fact, we had this conversation several times before she dissolved into the most pitiful sort weeping I have ever seen.
Her: BubTar is??
Me: BubTar is at school.
Her: No...BubTar is???
Me: At school. BubTar is at school.
Her: No! BubTar is????
And so forth.
For the hat dilemma, I googled "printable crowns" and we made due with this hat. Hooray for Google!

She was not a fan of the flash today, as you can tell from the face.
At one point, she hugged that silly little crown and said, "Oh, wittle fewwa, I love you hat. I so glad you here." Adorable.
We went to pick BubTar up from school and stopped by the toy store to let her choose her own toy in an attempt to salvage her poor disappointing morning, and because all she is getting from us this year is boring old clothes. We spent a good hour wandering around before she settled on one of those cheap balls from the big bins. A blue one. We happily marched towards the check out where she saw the courtesy phone. She WANTED the courtesy phone. BADLY. She went boneless and sobbed on the floor while I paid for her ball. Then she flailed and shrieked as we went to the car. It was so special and fun (except that it wasn't)!
The reason my poor child woke up to such a disappointing morning is that I have been entirely swamped for a couple days now. I spent all day and all night (minus eating and such) Wednesday studying. I did no chores. I did nothing, really, outside of studying. I had a wicked case of writer's cramp because unfortunately for my arm, I retain information best when I make myself write things out. I think I wrote 20 pages out front and back, along with accompanying note cards. Then Thursday we woke up and went to the hospital for KayTar's genetics and neurology appointments. We were there for 6 hours (thank God for the note cards, because I was able to study on the go!). I got home just in time to honk the horn for Josh to come retrieve KayTar from her car seat and rush to school for my exam. (oh, I so nailed it. NAILED IT!) Then I got home, tossed in a load of clothes so we all wouldn't be sans-clothing today and tried to relax. Unfortunately, although I've been very, very busy, life hasn't stopped. What is up with that? Everyone keeps right on dirtying clothes and living in the house and so forth and now I'm way behind. So my wee girlie woke up and was clearly disenchanted with the lack of birthday-esque hoopla. She's never had a birthday that she understood, and I didn't expect it and even if I had, well, the time just wasn't there. In any case, she had expectations that I clearly failed to meet. So I worked my rear off this afternoon to get a few things out of the way so that after nap time, she'll wake up to something a bit more exciting. Nothing major, we'll just have pizza (one of the foods she gets excited about, generally) for dinner and we'll let her open gifts from us. Tomorrow is her actual party (thankfully not at our house, because I surely don't need extra bodies to clean up after) and I daresay it is sure to be a hit this year. What a difference a year makes.

Oh, and my Bloglines is faithfully reminding me of just how LITTLE blog reading I've been doing lately. I'll be visiting sometime this weekend for sure. I'm still drowning in the to-do lists around here and so until I square a bit of that away, I've no time for reading. Responsibility. Bah.
Wittle Fewwa. OMG I could just squeeze her to pieces. I love what she says. Happy birthday again! How'd you do the little signs on the table? They're beautiful!
I can't believe her talking to her hat - so cute! Happy birthday Kay-tar!
She is too cute... My daughter thinks her birthday should be a full holiday--no school, just total relaxation!)
You have a lot of balls in the air, but I know it will be worth it... I've had nurse friends and the benefits are supposed to be amazing. Happy birthday KayTar!!
I have a solution: all nude birthdays! Try it next year it will solve your laundry dilemma big time. You're welcome.
Also? Wittle fewwa? That KayTar is so freakin' cute.
Hooray for nailing your exam!
And I'm sure KayTar will be absolutely delighted to be the center of attention at her party tomorrow... and her BubTar will be there, so all will be right with the world, right? Right!
I love her in her crown. I, too, insisted on a hat one year- who knew how popular they would be. Happy Birthday, amazing child.
Happy birthday to KayTar! I love that she "gets" it this year, I'm sorry she was a little let down. I always feel like that on my birthday too...I think I still want hats and streamers and all my favorite things.
You've got so much on your plate right now, Kyla. Way to go! And woo hoo on your exam!
Happy, happy birthday sweet little girl!
Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet Kaytar! I hope she has a fabulous party tomorrow! And congrats on the exam, you so rock!
That hat converstaion is the cutest thing I've read all day....
I actually had The Girl come home from kindergarten for the afternoon so The Boy would stop crying on his third birthday so I know EXACTLY how you feel!
I think I just love that little girl.
coming from someone who had A and P at 8am MWF - it's totally understandable why you have writer's cramp and notecards and a full bloglines. :)
Holy smokes, you're busy, Kyla. And OF COURSE you nailed that exam. I imagine you as the best student ever. Seriously I do.
I love the story about the hat. KayTar. You just never know what she's going to come up with ...
Happy Birthday, sweet girl. Pizza is a hit around here too.
I love how much she adores her brother AND her new party hat! Good thinking mom!
I'm sure the party will be a big hit tomorrow. Can't wait to hear all about it!
And way to go on your test! Woo hoo! I also learn best by writing and I can't imagine how many notebooks I've filled during years of study time. My arm still hasn't fully forgiven me. :)
Happy Birthday KAYTAR! I think her talking to her crown is just the cutest thing. And I LOVE that she wanted to buy the courtesy phone. While I know it is never fun to drag a meltingdown preschooler out of a toy store, it will be a wonderful story of how you brought her to the toy store to pick out her gift and what she wanted most was the darn courtesy phone.
WOOHOO for nailing your exam.
Kyla, it just does my heart good to see all the butt you're kicking at school.
Happy birthday KayTar - you and your mom are a good match for bravery and determination.
I knew that you'd ace school.
And happy birthday to your lovely, lovely girl.
I have to write things down too.
I love that you made her a crown!
I have to say, this was such a candid fun blog entry...I'm willing to bet it did you as much good to write it as it did me to read it---Happy Belated Birthday Kaytar, enjoy your special party today!
Oh, cute with the crown!
And yeah, what's with the needing to dirty clothes and forks and why do the damn cats keep on shedding? Did I not just sweep the stairs last week? And baths? Must we make rings in the tub? I mean, I haven't shaved my legs in a week, what makes everyone else so special that THEY need hygeine? Sheesh.
I hope the rest of the birthday celebrations were enjoyed!! (I love her choosing the Courtesy Phone... heehee... isn't that just like a kid!!).
Happy Birthday KayTar!!!!!!!!!
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