This morning, though, she was feeling worse, shaky and hot, dizzy, unable to stand or walk. I checked her glucose, because the last time we were in the hospital, she had these same symptoms. It was 53, which isn't normal, but it isn't crazy when it has been in the 30's at the hospital. I gave her a 4 ounce bolus of Pedialyte to try and bring it up, but she wouldn't let me give her any more. She said it was making her feel sick, and I figure that keeping 4 ounces IN is better than more than 4 ounces coming right back OUT. She is still so lethargic, though, I rechecked her glucose (64) not long ago and she didn't even wake for the poke. Poor babe. I hope we avoid the hospital, but even MORE than that, I really hope we avoid an episode. When she gets like this it makes me so nervous that one is lurking right around the corner, waiting to pounce on our sick and vulnerable girl.

ETA: Her glucose is up to 85, she finally peed, and I've gotten in three 4 ounce Pedialyte/Pediasure feeds into her over the course of the day. Looks like we have narrowly escaped a trip to the ER! Here's hoping she is on the upside of this thing!
Oh no!! Poor thing. So sorry. And she's been so healthy!
i hope she gets well soon, and she starts to handle bugs like most children... a day or two and then back to normal, no hospital needed!
Well my goodness...I can't believe she got so sick so suddenly. :( I hope her recovery is just as speedy.
And thank goodness for the baby chair...that thing has definitely been worth the money!
Poor sweetie! Here's hoping she can keep keeping the pediasure down and get better fast.
Poor kid!!!
Eek! Kyla! Now I want to make you stop sharing good news with us, in case you're pissing off the babygods or something, and they're going to come back to bite you.
We've had the stomach flu here, too. Who knew it was worldwide?
Hope she feels better soon.
Poor little chicken.
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