Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Yum.


Mimi said...

Ummmmm. Chocolate ....

Woman in a Window said...

HA! Look at those eyes! They're saying don't bust me for this can't possibly bust me for this mess.

And of course, you couldn't.

mamatulip said...

Yum indeed.

Anonymous said...

look at her eat! And get messy! That's awesome!

~aj~ said...

You aint kidding. YUM!

flutter said...

little chocolate vampire!

Aliki2006 said...

That does look good to me--even at 9:00 am!

Anonymous said...

And she's eating it willingly!

Have some of her food aversions cleared up, or is that just a quirk?

Kyla said...

She still doesn't eat "normally", but she has made SO MUCH progress with eating since getting her g-button. This is a recent victory, because it is both messy AND chocolate, which were both deal breakers before!

carrie said...

Ooooh, that looks good!

sheree said...

is that a fudgesicle? Mmmm!