Last night, after eating a piece of toast I made for him, he decided he wanted another, but this time he wanted to do it himself.
He said, "Mom, I want to make my own toast. Can you give me lessons?"
Then he walked to the microwave, opened it, put his slice of bread in and looked at me expectantly.
I said, "Lesson one, you use the TOASTER for toast."
He looked at me sheepishly for a second, grabbed his bread, and said, "I KNEW THAT!"
Sure you did, buddy. Sure you did.

Hee hee :)
what a cutie! ;)
What is it with six year old boys and TOAST? Geez, guys!
Also, hee hee, Bubtar.
*And* he can hula? Bonus!
Man I cant wait for that day when my kids want to do stuff on their own! He sure is looking grown up. What a handsome young man.
Life lessons! Too funny.
he and bridget could come up with some culinary magic what with her toaster skills and his mad microwave skillz!
Is he hula-hooping while clogging? I'm impressed. Oh and thanks again for the lessons on making toast.
That photo sequence slays me. He's so in the groove.
he's a good egg, this one.
I'm a little embarrassed to admit that Adam also thinks almost anything can be cooked in a microwave. Guess we use it quite often. :)
And also...I love a boy that can hula!
Look at him hoopin' it up! Woo hoo!
What a doll! I love the pictures too - so cute.
The boy can HULA! Woo!
awww. Just wait until he brings you pancakes in bed.....
Love it!
Mine insist on pouring their own drinks. Usually when my back is turned and then all I hear is Uh-Oh.
hehe cute.
my six year old made his own bagel this past weekend. He buttered it, put cheeze whiz on it AND THEN PUT IT IN THE TOASTER!
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