Goal: KayTar will master specific 25-36 month level gross motor skills addressing these identified educational needs: Ascend and Descend Four Steps
*Ascend four steps with help, alternating feet: Not Introduced
*Descend four steps, unassisted, two feet per step: Not Introduced
"Not Introduced" is a fancy way of saying "Oops! We haven't attempted this yet!"
Goal: KayTar will master specific 13-24 month level self care skills addressing these identified educational needs: Attempt to Put on Simple Garments (Pants), Remove Garments (Pants), Indicate Bathroom Needs
*Attempt to Put on Simple Garments (Pants): Limited Progress
*Remove Garments (Pants): Limited Progress
*Indicate Bathroom Needs: Limited Progress
"Limited Progress" is a fancy way of saying she needs lots of physical and verbal clues, as well as physical assistance to complete the task
Goal: KayTar will master specific 24-36 month level cognitive skills addressing these identified educational needs: Take/Bring Familiar Objects on Request, Match Textures by Touch, Sing Phrases of Songs
*Take/Bring Familiar Objects on Request: Satisfactory Progress
*Match Textures by Touch: Not Introduced
*Sing Phrases of Songs: Satisfactory Progress
Goal: KayTar will master specific 25-26 month level fine motor goals addressing these identified educational needs: Play with Playdoh, Shaving Creams, Pudding, and Other Textures
*Play with Playdoh, Shaving Creams, Pudding, and Other Textures: Limited Progress
Goal: KayTar will master specific 13-24 month level socialization skills addressing these identified educational needs: Greet Peers and Adults
*Greet Peers and Adults: Satisfactory Progress
Goal: KayTar will master specific 25-36 month level socialization skills addressing these identified educational needs: Share Materials, Wait Turn
*Share Materials: Satisfactory Progress
*Wait Turn: Satisfactory Progress
Goal: KayTar will employ developmentally appropriate oral grammar in the use of words, phrases and sentences. This will be evidenced by the mastery of:
*Define and Grammatically Use Pronouns (subjective, objective, possessive): Satisfactory Progress
*Respond to "Wh" Questions (who, what, which, where, when): Satisfactory Progress
*Use Simple Sentences with Correct Word Order: Satisfactory Progress
She has made satisfactory progress in 8 out of 12 attempted goals! We are quite pleased with that ratio, although I suspect that if the stairs and texture matching had been attempted, it might be a little closer to a 50/50 ratio.
The teacher's note said, "KayTar is a pleasure to have in my class. She is so eager to learn songs and answer all questions!" The teacher said she is quite the little character in class! She also said that EVERYONE looooves KayTar, even the kids from the general education class (where she has her inclusion time) are very fond of her and stop to say hello to her in the halls and cafeteria. All in all, it was a great meeting!

I just want her well. Right now.
That is great news. And I love what the teacher said about her - made me smile :)
Yay! She gets more and more beautiful everyday, Kyla!
Sounds like a great progress report! :)
I HATE IEP stuff. Everyone does. At least your goals are specific!
Hi five Kaytar. And of course the teacher loves having her in her class, who wouldn't?
Our first report card is next month and I'm a bit apprehensive, though I'm not exactly sure why.
Of course everyone loves her! How could anyone not?!
She's doing great, Kyla. So proud of her.
Way to go, Kaytar! Woot!
YAY for Kaytar! Good for her!
Congrats on the awesome progress. You must be so proud! And it's so nice that's she's made all those friends, too :D
She's a charmer, your KayTar. How wonderful that they all love having her there at school.
Thanks for sharing all this great progress!
Not bad Kyla!
As to getting dressed and needing verbal and physical prompting and help? Um. My almost seven year old is the same.
1) That picture is STUNNING! Oh that hair! SO pretty!
2) Way to go Kaytar! That is awesome!!!
Great work!
And to echo what crazymumma said...we have an eight-year old who doesn't do any of those getting dressed and self-hygiene needs... :)
i saw a child at walmart yesterday who looked remarkedly like KayTar
Way to go Kaytar! She's looking quite grown up in that photo! Our first parent teacher conference is next week.
Yay! And the goals, they're just stuff on paper. She's amazing! Frig the 50percent. I'm all for perfect.
I think this is an exciting report! She is straggling on the motor stuff, but I'm so impressed and happy that she's doing so well socially and cognitively. Hooray, Kaytar!
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