Sunday, October 05, 2008

Guess what?

Yesterday, I got an envelope in the mail from SCHIP. It was addressed to KayTar, but it didn't look like one of the many little FYI letters the insurer sends out (Be on the lookout for bee stings! Don't forget to have your child immunized!). I opened it and was surprised to find a new card for her. We already have her card and a back up, actually, so I was a little confused. I had panicked for a split second, worried that they had changed her PCP (our beloved pediatrician) and this was our notification, so I quickly scanned the card for changes. And I found this:


OV (office visits): $0

ER: $0

InP (in-patient hospitalization): $0

RX (generic/brand): $0

In the 3 months she's had insurance, we've spent her out of pocket maximum. Now everything is free until next July. That includes pediatrician visits, specialist visits, tests, labs, ER visits, medications, Pediasure, hospitalizations, durable medical equipment, and SURGERY. Everything will cost us $0. What timing! As my wise friend Katie pointed out,"God said, 'DO THE SURGERY NOW KYLA.'"

Message received.


amanda said...

A message from God, indeed.

Gwen said...

Oh so much good and scary and BIG all at once!

Peace to you, Kyla, amidst all the thunder.

Magpie said...

Wow. On the one hand, it's kind of appalling to think about what you've spent to get there, on the other hand, what a blessing.

Anonymous said...

Hurray for that! And, also, hurray for the clarity in moving forward.

sheree said...

that is so awesome. I need to get a letter like that in the mail ;)

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that yall do not have to pay any more medical bills for now! Yeah! God's timing is perfect timing! My BIL would call that a letter from God :)

Anonymous said...

That is incredible! Wonderful timing - definitely a message from God.

alejna said...

That is good timing. And what a relief after the gap in your insurance. (But wow, you must have paid quite a lot out of pocket so far.)

Kristin said...

Amazing...I mean, sad to think that she's reached the out of pocket max, of course.

But hooray for being insured and hooray for nothing more till next July. Surely it's a sign.

Aliki2006 said...

Oh, great news!!!

Anonymous said...

Most Excellent!

Anonymous said...

Thank you God. Amen!

natalie said...

WHAT??? PRAISE GOD! I'm sooooo thankful for you!!! WOW!!!! I would never say this, but TAKE ADVANTAGE.

My M has to have foot surgery and we need to schedule it before Dec. 31 so it will be 100% paid by insurance--we met her deductible in April when she was in the hospital for 4 days.


InTheFastLane said...

Awesome! I know all the questions you have don't always have answers. But, there is one answer for you.

Girlplustwo said...

after the time without it, after the payments...the fact that you had to struggle like that, the bullshit of that taints this victory but it's a victory all the same.

Woman in a Window said...

Mail dropping from the sky. Don't ignore it.

Julie said...

Oh wow. What a gift. You so deserve those happy little zeros and freedom from medical financial burden until July!

PJ said...

God always answers JUST IN TIME!!

Chaotic Joy said...

Glory. Talk about a burning bush. Or at the very least a silver lining. I know it must give you some peace though and I am so thankful for that.

Cristina said...

Though you must have already paid a ton, it's got to be nice to know you won't have to pay anything until July. That is great news!

moplans said...

yep, I would agree that is a sign.

mommamia said...

What a blessing.

~aj~ said...

That is such wonderful news!

mamatulip said...

Wow, could the timing be any better? I think not.

painted maypole said...

hmmm... there's a credit card ad in there somewhere.

great news