So yesterday, just for kicks, I went through my archives (handy!) to see when the plague first visited us last year. 7 days into the year. (Hello, Jinx. Have you met my friend Kyla the Idiot? I think you two will really hit it off!) And then, I awoke suddenly in the night to a small boy crying his eyes out and sounding rather like a long time smoker. The husky voice and hacking cough. Niiiice. He also said his throat hurt. Niiiiicer. So what did I do today?
Sent him to school.
Once the crisis of the night passed (the crisis of the night being the kitten holding pouncing practice on top of a sleeping BubTar at 3am), he woke up sounding a little better. He wasn't running a fever, his cough was less persistent, and he got out of bed on his own this morning, all goodish signs. It is the 4th day of school and I'd rather not start the absence loop quite so soon, and since he wasn't feverish or half-dead, I sent him in. And I'm sitting here feeling rather like a jerk. I usually don't send my kids anywhere if they are ill or suspected to be ill. With a kid like KayTar, I tend to be a little less inclined to share our germs, in the hopes that somewhere in the karmic circle somehow we will be repaid for this by OTHER parents keeping their festering little darlings at home when infectious.
I'm half-expecting the phone to ring any minute, asking me to pick up my virulent little offspring from school as soon as possible. Even if they don't, I'm kind of dreading the evening with an exhausted, under-the-weather kid, and the night, too, of course. As every parent knows, they are always sicker in the night. (If you don't know that yet, please, don't tell me. You are too lucky and you might just jinx yourself.) I haven't slept for more than a few hours a night this week and it is starting to wear on me.
I'm also questioning our choice for last day of summer celebration. The Hotbed of Microbial Growth Museum? We were kind of asking for this, weren't we? As we walked into the museum, Josh said, "So, where are the hazmat suits?" Indeed, Josh. Indeed.
Exhibit A: A Taste of Pneumovirus?

Exhibit B: Phone Call to Parainflueza?

Exhibit C: A Closer Look at Streptococci?

Exhibit D: Ironic Pinball Game With a Side of Rhinovirus?

I could go on, but I think you probably get the picture.
Loved the exhibits as evidence! Hope he's feeling much better very soon.
I am dreading the back-to-school illness cycle too. Last year was Lainey's first year in preschool and she was sick with overlapping illnesses pretty much the entire 9 months.
Loved the exhibits as evidence! Hope he's feeling much better very soon.
I am dreading the back-to-school illness cycle too. Last year was Lainey's first year in preschool and she was sick with overlapping illnesses pretty much the entire 9 months.
Thanks for the reminder. I will need a hazmat suit to start school. Yes, indeed. A microbial fiesta!!! And I'm the food!
....the ironic pinball game!! So funny!
Oh, crap. Now not only am I dreading the start of school while I have a tiny newborn at home, I am also staying far away from children's places of "amusement" (read: infection). Hope he's all better soon...
We went to a place called Balls of Fun (yes, funny name, isn't it?) and although the Boy certainly did have "balls of fun", I regretted it when he got sick almost immediately afterwards.
Hope BubTar feels better soon. (Your picture captions made me laugh.)
I would have sent him, too. You've got to save those sick days for when you really need them. Besides, they can always call you to come get him, right?
Awww, that didn't take long! I bet he's forgotten all about it and is having a great time! Good luck.
WHY OH WHY do they have to lick everything - Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (I almost fainted when Gigi insisted on hugging the pole on the subway ride home from the airport yesterday - just thinking about what is all over that thing made me feel queasy). I hope he's okay and that the phone hasn't tolled.
Nice evidence! I totally understand, it happens every year - the kids start school, a few days/weeks later we're all sick! I am totally NOT looking forward to it.
I have 2 words for you:
Hand Sanitizer.
I know, you can't force them to use it, but maybe if it knocks down one bad germ from the drinking fountain, it's worth it! ;)
Irony, thy name is pinball.
If it makes you feel any better he was probably coming down with it before the outing! But poor kid--I hope he's all better.
hahahahahahahaha! I certainly hope that museum didn't carry the virus that little bubtar got! I hope he's feeling better soon!!
Oh, Mama ~ we've all done it!
Crossing fingers that he's better soon!
I, too, loved your exhibits :)
Oh my goodness! You are so funny with the exhibits!
I feel the same way about places like that! Kate starts school next week. I think we will all be seeing our share of germs. I hope every stays healthy in your home! Love, Cori
I'm so sorry, but you're pretty funny for an idiot! I am dying at those captions!!!
Hope poor little man feels better soon and you get some much needed rest!
the exhibits are a hoot!
hope BubTar did OK at school! sometimes those nighttime sicknesses are completely gone the next morning and never come back.
we are really blessed. MQ seems to have an immune system of steel. She rarely gets sick.
(can you hear me knocking on my wood desk?)
I'm sorry, I'm laughing and you're sleepless. but this is too funny. Sorry.
this always happens to us, too.
so sorry. :(
Oh no. At least you're laughing at yourself. That's good.
Hilarious photos, especially the pinball game :) Can't wait till the plauge comes to visit us...
Oh no! But I did love the shot of him essentially licking the big plastic bubble. Germ-tastic.
I hope he feels better swiftly.
You (and Josh, let's give credit where credit's due) are hilarious.
The ironic pinball machine with a side of rhinovirus made me laugh out loud.
I hope you got some sleep last night. And that BubTar is better, of course.
Funny Kyla! I hope you didn't get that phone call and Bubtar is doing okay . . .
I have *never* dosed a child with ibuprofen and then sent her to school. Nope. Not me.
Go away, plague, go away!
The evidence you have is priceless...especially the one of Bub Tar licking the glass. Too bad it had to have such sorry side effects. :(
Found your blog through I'm a pediatrician, too, and have been finding the story of KayTar intriguing as an occasional lurker. This entry takes the cake, and I had to come out and share my appreciation for your humor! My girls' preschool and kindergarten don't start for another week and a half, so I'm enjoying my intact sleep (when not on call) for just a little longer. . .
I always feel bad too when I send my ids to school a little sick but if I waited until they were perfectly well they'd probably never go!
I knew a nephrologist in residency who had 8 kids. If they threw up in the car, she'd wipe their little face and then push them out the door. Now I totally get that!! Poor babies!! :)
Hi, I had to de-lurk just to let you know that those pictures made me shiver with fear! For me, the children's play museum ranks up there with the ball-pit at burger king, or just letting the kids roll around on the floor at the pediatrician's office. BUT, I know how fun it is, so I do reluctantly take my kids there (in their protective bubbles).
Ah, thanks for the reminder! We went through a Plague-like time last December when my Little Man started preschool for the first time. Basically, he was sick for some part of every week from December til April. Yikes!
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