Here is a little peek at my darling children trying on their fancy wedding get-ups.

And just because they are so cute...

Hope that tides you over for a few days. I'll be back with updates and loads of beautiful photos! Have a happy (and safe) New Year!
PS: If you can spare some good, strong, positive vibes and prayers I'd really appreciate it. KayTar is on day 67 without an episode, the longest she's ever gone is 69 days without one. In our waiting for these to happen, we have green days, which are pretty carefree and we are fairly certain one will not happen. Then we have red days, which are historically high risk days. Around the 15th day without one, we start expecting one, these are red days. If she doesn't have one by day 20, we feel free until day 30. Days 30-35 are red, and then we feel free until day 45. 45-50 are red, and then we feel free until around 68 or so, and then EVERY DAY is red until it happens. Because it always happens. We will be on an airplane on two separate red days, and we will be on vacation for 5 of them. My sister's wedding is on one of them. This makes me very nervous. It is hard to get her comfortable even at home when this happens, on an airplane I just can't imagine. The screaming and writhing and vomiting...oh my. Just pray we don't find out. Pretty please?
Have a great trip and I will send all the P.V.s I can that you make it through without and episode.
They are going to look soooooo cute. Can't wait to see the pics when they're wearing shoes and all that together. :) Cuuuuute!
And, sometimes I forget that Katie even has "episodes" anymore as she seems to be stretching them out quite a lot.
I will really really hope that she doesn't have one ever again, but especially whilst you are traveling.
I am so excited to meet you, I cannot WAIT!
I also hope that little one just keeps being well.
Those little shoes are soo cute! Not to mention the kids!
Have a great time!
Those are great pics.
Hope all goes well at the wedding!
Happy New year to ya~
Those kids of yours are so damn cute! And those shoes! LOL. I covet them.
Enjoy your vacation and have a lot of fun.
I'm wishing you a very happy new year filled with oodles of love and joy, my friend.
I'm not usually shoe girl, but oh! oh! oh! Those shoes! (And that dress!)
Have Fun!! Those shoes of KayTar's are adorable. I wonder if Charlie could pull off Mary Janes.
I'll be sending you positive vibes for sure. Good luck!
The kids will OF COURSE look adorable.
And here's to episode free times ahead. Seriously.
Now. You get to meet flutter? Color me jealous. You better talk up the home town so she wants to come join us for that martini party. Just sayin'
Oooh or Jenny's party. Just a few weeks away.
Using My Words
P.S. You know I will be here waiting for photos and stories about the wedding. Also just sayin'
Using My Words
Have a wonderful time adorable Tar family! And we'll keep you in our thoughts, of course.
Lots and lots of prayers for a safe, healthy trip.
You'll be my 'God bless..." every night!
Have a great trip Kyla! How cute do Kaytar annd Bubtar look! I love their outfits! Here's to NO episopdes!!
Good luck, good luck, good luck! I'll be thinking of you...
And those shoes! Ack!
OK - those photos should hold me over for a few days ;)
Have a safe trip and here's hoping that the family doesn't discover the blog (b/c that SUCKS).
They could not be any cuter in their wedding clothes. Love those colors!! Hope you're able to share photos of the big day.
I'll definitely be praying for KayTar as you travel. I knew it had been a long time since her last episode, but did not realize seh was about to reach record-breaking length again. I hope it holds out until you return.
I will sooooo pray for you. I believe God will answer!! I love the shoes and with tights...such a beautiful baby!!! And Bubtar - just a big boy and so handsome!!
It also makes me laugh that your blog is "secret"...I post my blogspot address on all emails and included it in my Christmas letter.
But every now and then, I'm frustrated by something familial and I wish I had a "secret" one!!!
Maybe I need to start a second one!!!
Have fun, have a happy New Year, give Flutter a wet smooch for me and I will keep my fingers crossed for Kay-Tar. Love the shoes, btw.
If they aren't the cutest kids in blogland....I can't wait to see the real wedding get-up!
I'll DEFINITELY be praying for safe, healthy travel. KayTar deserves it, and you do too!
What absolutely preciously beautiful children! Oh, squeeze them both for me okay?!
Sending every kind of positive vibe and prayer for Miss Kaytar and a few for her mommy too.
I am indeed praying for you. The anticipation must be just awful. Buuuutttttt. Could your kids be any cuter? No they could not. And do they make KayTar's dress in my size? Cause that is snazzy!
Hope you enjoy yourself!
Hope your travels are safe and symptom-free!
Have a wonderful time.
oh Kyla I am hoping so hard you and that gorgeous girl have a very uneventful flight.
1. I miss you already.
2. I'm so jealous you're going to meet flutter.
3. My prayers are with you.
Oops...forgot my 4.
I want those shoes in my size.
Those are some adorable outfits! And those shoes... gorgeous!!
Hoping hoping hoping for an uneventful flight... happy new year!
Do they make that dress in grownup size??? That is so cute!!
Can't wait to meet you at MDCQII!
Those outfits are delish. Don't even get me started on the shoes!
Wishing you wellness on your trip. (and you're meeting flutter?! awesome).
Gorgeous children, gorgeous outfits.
I'm hoping there'll be no episodes, Kyla! I am sending positive vibes to you from the UK.
Good luck and have fun!
you can blog from FLUTTERS! lucky you!
and good luck, to everyone, while you are travelling.
flutter? oh yes, i am jealous. give her a HUGE hug for me, will you?
and prayers, prayers, prayers heading your way for an episode free vacation.
Oh, I want that dress and those shoes in my size!
Have a wonderful trip. I am SOOOO jealous that you are likely to meet another blogger because I want to see you again! Isn't it my turn yet?
Happy New Year to you and yours...
Sending all the good vibes I have. And, boy, they are cute!
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