It seems that Santa (yes the very same Santa who tracked down a certain Bionicle) was able to talk to the Tooth Fairy and pull a few strings and retrieve that long lost "Toothy".
You should have seen his face. It was priceless. Priceless.
I am so thankful that we've been able to enjoy yet another magical year with BubTar. I know the number is finite and somewhere in the not-so-distant future will end altogether, but for now I am completely happy having a little boy who wholeheartedly believes that Santa has the foresight and clout to get a lamented tooth back from the evil clutches of the Tooth Fairy. And that, to me, is the joy of Christmas, alive and well for one more year.

No Way!
You are the coolest mom on the planet!
THAT was an excellent thing you did there, woman. absolutely excellent.
Oh you are so AWESOME!
Merry Belated Christmas and I hope you are on the mend friend.
Dude. That rocks so hard.
Ah yes, I remember the crisis with the tooth. What a great gift!
This year, we're just still basking in the fact that Munchkin loves Santa because he's round and jolly and smiling: she has no idea at all that he brings presents. Or that she should expect presents. Or that 'Krimpas' is about anything besides songs and books and decorations.
That time IS short, huh? Hold it close to your heart ...
I think that is so great. I love that BubTar is so sentimental and that Santa...what a guy.
I'm so loving your Rebelious pictures.
your camera rocks.
and OF COURSE all the magical beings are in cahoots - don't they all hang out at the same country club or something? ;)
Nice job!
That is awesome!
Way to go, Santa! That was a fantastic idea!!!
Best. Christmas. Present.
That tooth story is so funny and sweet!
That is so great! This is a story he will tell his whole life...
Your creativity and commitment amaze me. It'll be amazing if the girls believe in Santa next year! My little white lies have too many holes.
It'll be a sad day when the magic ends. Matthew asks a lot of leading questions but when confronted, he defers to the magic.
I'm glad Bubtar got his tooth back.
This is Natalie
Wow...Your Santa has some SERIOUS connections! What a great idea for him to contact the evil keeper of baby teeth and bargain to get the tooth back!
I'm so glad you got the'll love it. I hope you're feeling much better now!
That's so great - lucky you have a line to Santa Claus!
That is too awesome, Kyla.
What a fabulous thing for you to do! I love it... That ol' Santa, he always comes through!
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