She has made excellent progress with her goals for this year, though, she hasn't quite mastered all of them (hello, potty training!). I can hardly believe this too-smart-for-her-own-good chatterbox was only speaking in exact quotes, unable to answer questions at this time last year. It doesn't even seem possible! We discussed her new goals, which I can give in more detail once I get my copies of the meeting, and set up her accommodations for next year.
She may be changing campuses next year, which makes me a little sad as I have LOVED everyone we've encountered at her current campus, but the opportunity sounds like a good one. They are setting up an advanced PPCD classroom for the district, so the kids who naturally excel, but also need special education services can meet their IEP goals while being challenged beyond the scope of those goals. There will be a special education teacher and a general education teacher present at all times and the class will be a mixture of high functioning special education students and general education peers. KayTar was nominated for being such a little smarty-pants. This will be the first year for the program and they aren't certain it will get off the ground in time, in which case she will stay at her current campus with her current teachers.
I know many parents have trouble with their children getting appropriate service and placement, but (with the exception of that little attendance issue earlier this year) we have had a WONDERFUL experience with KayTar's school and our district. The administration and staff have been friendly and helpful, and everyone knows and loves KayTar. You just can't resist that kid!

She's such a sweetheart!
She sure is something indeed. I'm pleased to hear it went so well, Kyla.
I am so happy your ARD went well!
She is fabulous.
What's an ARD?
That is adorable! Yay for a great review and yay for smarty-pants Kaytar!
Fabulous indeed!
Glad she's doing so well!
LOL! Just Fabulous! Of course! And nothing else. :)
So glad she had a great year.
she really really is
Kyla that is amazing. I am so happy that you have a great team for Kaytar.
Are you actually trying to potty train her? Seems like you give her an option instead of saying this is what needs to be done. What happens when she outgrows the diapers?
Hey Anonymous!
Since you're anonymous, clearly I don't know if you area regular reader or not, so here's a quick review. KayTar has been potty trained twice. She understands the process, we've taught her what she needs to know, however, she does not want to keep it up and therefore, doesn't keep it up. The typical motivations do nothing to sway her. KayTar has a long history of doing things in her own time and we have no doubts that she will do this in her own time, too.
My son was the kind of child who could be trained and was agreeable to the process, he was trained before he was even 2. KayTar will have to get their in her own time and we have no doubts that day will come. But, thanks for your concern.
She sure is! What a little ham in that photo - too cute!
She certainly is looking "just fabulous"!! LOL Way too cute! Glad the meeting went so well. Hope the combo class is set up in time. Sounds like a great opportunity. LOVE the pic!
Oh that KayTar...she's going to have EVERYONE eating out of the palm of her hand if she keeps all that cuteness up.
(And as a sidenote, I had no idea Bub was fully potty trained before age 2. Dadgum!)
I love how she has everyone charmed. Lucky girl.
She certainly is fabulous!
I'm so glad the school experience turned out so well. (Aside from that attendance-related stress. Thank goodness that got resolved.)
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