The neurologist called me with the anticipated results today. Evidently, KayTar has more mitochondria in her cells than is typical, which may point to mitochondrial dysfunction (
mitochondria are the energy factories of the cells. if your factories aren't able to produce enough to keep up with demand, what do you do? build more factories!) but doesn't mean much diagnostically speaking. The neurologist is ordering further tests on the muscle biopsy, so once again we'll wait and hope for answers, knowing they probably won't be found.
What a beautiful picture. You may not know, but you do know what a special girl you've got.
I can't even pronounce mitochondria (and I probably just misspelled it too). The fact that you are talented on both sides of your brain slays me! :)
I hope that the "nothing" is a good thing...look at her go.
oh little pink fairy girl!! She is such a beautiful puzzle
I think that is one of my very favourite photos you've posted of KayTar...
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. For us, the knowing, allowed for better understanding and acceptance...our situations are very different, but I think the underlaying mothering emotion is the same. I hope answers come.
If the internet gave me nothing else, it gave me you. You are an inspiration. You are dear. To me.
That is all.
Gorgeous picture. I wish you had answers, but no answers may be better than bad answers ... right?
Love the pic! Sorry about the results.
how grown up you are, kyla, to be okay with not knowing. i admire you.
Does the day ever come when you have exhausted all the options and stop looking for answers?
We're going through something like this with my mom... an issue that lacks a diagnosis and we don't know the severity of. I can't imagine going through this with my child.
But still... she's a beauty, that girl.
What a lovely picture. What a lovely girl.
Hopefully it's not another obstacle.
The picture is magical gorgeous.
Oh man, Kyla, I wish more than I could say that I could find some way to help. I hate not being able to "do" anything, so I can only imagine how it is for you.
The picture is very poignant - the illusive fairy always one step ahead and just out of our grasp.
I was hoping for answers...but I guess it's just not time. I know it's frustrating, but look at what an amazing girl you've got. Simply amazing!
gee, i thought mitochondria were the thingy that carried the force, and that Kaytar was destined to be a great powerful leader. If we can keep her from the dark side, of course.
A catch-all catchup because I have read the last two weeks in one gulp (have been too busy/tired to read or write really at all, so blog is stagnating and bloglines is bursting. Gah.)
- it must b awfully frustrating, but I'm glad you didn't have to use that rgretful thought you had, either. Similarly, it's a shame the episodes aren't gone entirely, but I bet it's nice for her that they are less frequent as she grows older and more aware.
- So impressed you are going to go to med school. That's a big and daunting challenge and commitment when you are a parent, but if anyone can take it on and make it work, I know you can.
-What a relief you are insured again! Phew.
oops -- here's jeneva's blog address:
Haunting photo.... I'm sorry for the no-results, but glad that it wasn't those particular results, at least.
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