She got gold stars of mastery for:
She is still delayed in the gross motor arena, but we didn't expect to hear anything different. She was able to do all the tasks she was asked to do, except for standing on one foot without support. She can jump with two feet! She can walk up the stairs without holding on (using one of her legs, the stronger one) if I am behind her to ensure she doesn't rock back too far! She can stand and scoot forward in her skates using a shimmying motion! She's getting there. She still can't run, she still struggles to stand or walk on uneven ground most of the time. Her balance and muscle tone just aren't quite there yet, but she is steadily improving.
She is 39.25 inches tall (50%) and weighs 33.5 pounds (45%)! The tube triumphs again!
She hasn't missed school in 3 weeks!
She hasn't had an episode in (almost) 6 months!
She has even been eating a bit more by mouth!
Basically, you know, HOORAY! Four is off to a wonderful start.

Yay, Katie. Tackle the world and catch the moon.
Yahoo! I hope four keeps up the gold star work.
Sounds like 4 is a great number :) woohoo
WOOHOOHOO! I am cheering and frantically knocking on wood for you. It's always scary to put these accomplishments out there, isn't it? But when you list everything like that it's easy to see how far she has come.
Fabulous! I'm so glad she's doing so well. Hurray for that button, for you for getting her what she needs, and for Kaytar for her many amazing accomplishments!
I am totally loving this whole 4 thing!
She's doing so good. Hooray!
How great is that! And she's cute, too! Off the charts cute.
That is awesome news! Wow. Four is going to be her year, I can feel it!
Yay KayTar! Yay for FOUR!
what a doll! happy birthday to you!
Go, Kaytar!
Alll riiighhhhttt Kaytar! Woot woot for you, girl! :)
*Wonderful* news!!!!
I think our kids are just keeping their own paces...T. just mastered jumping with two feet off the ground 1 week before her fifth birthday. Oh--and we haven't had an episode since October 4th--yikes!
That is the best news I've heard all day! Go girl!
She IS doing great. And it sounds like the tube has made a difference. It must feel good to know you made the right decision, even though it was a hard one to make.
Wow! She has come so far!!
Awesome. Way to go, K.
That is awesome, Kyla. And you know what? Pumpkinpie, who will eat anything, only weighed 35 or 36 lbs at her four year mark, so K is doing GREAT. I am so happy for you all. Go, K!
That's four kinds of awesome.
So wonderful, her progression, Kyla! You must be so proud.
Normal is over rated anyhow! So boring. She is beautiful, smart and her own little unique self!
Awesome!! You all are amazing!
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