It's a DOUBLE ear infection. Poor little dude.
Last night was a flashback to BubTar's baby days. Although he is the resident healthy kid around these parts, as a baby he had chronic ear infections. He never presented typically, though, his only symptoms were night waking and vomiting. The vomiting usually took place in OUR bed, as luck would have it. Oh, the sleepless nights! Oh, the laundry! Oh, the mattress scrubbing! Oh, the bad TV that is on at 3am while walking a cranky baby! Thankfully, he outgrew them right around his second birthday and this is the first one (or rather two) since then. We have not missed the ear infections. Not one bit.
Our dear son climbed into our bed around two in the morning, tossing and turning, crying out about both his ears. He couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep no matter what we tried, and it wasn't time for more medicine yet. So we accepted our defeat turned on the bedroom TV and let him watch cartoons until he could have more medicine and felt well enough to sleep. (Thank God for Noggin! And Boomerang! YAY FOR 24 HOURS OF CARTOONS!) It was a long night. Josh ended up fleeing to the sofa at some point, so he could get enough sleep for work today. And even after BubTar was ready to sleep, he kept trying to stick his hands and feet under me, or twirl my hair, or lay his head on top of mine, or roll his entire body over me, so that sleep flitted around me like a butterfly, never still long enough for me to grab hold of it. Did I mention it was a long night? Because, yes. It was. Just like the olden days.

poor boy in pain.
*Double* ear infection?!
The only way it could be worse is if he had three ears.
Poor little Bub.
poor kid.
movies. and treats.
Oh poor guy! We are well versed in the ear infection around here too. I don't think anything feels worse to little guys. Feel better soon, Bub!
Love that pic of you and baby Bubtar! Hope he's better soon.
Oy Kyla, that SUCKS! Poor kid! Poor you guys (and I really, really feel for you.)
But Baby Bub. In the carrier. Oh that little face!
(Yes, 24 hours Noggin and Sprout...a true divine gift and blessing.)
Courtesy of Otitis Media...ha ha ha! Because, of course, I know what an Otitis Meida is...but then it's like it's courtesy of some sort of "Media". That's a good one. Real good.
But back to Bub, I'm so sorry. I hate that you all had such a rough night. I wouldn't know what to do. :(
Oh, poor, poor BubTar!!!!!! As rough as it was for you, I can only imagine how rough it was for him!
I sort-of laughed about your description of sleep. But only because now I can totally empathize. M is NTO a co-sleeper. She never has been. When we slept together in the hospital, she literally slept UNDER me. Like I was a mother bird and she was an egg. I would wake up ON TOP OF HER, but I wouldn't have moved. I'd carefully pull her out from beneath me, get her IV situated, paci re-inserted, blankie and lambie back in their respective snuggle positions and dose off for ten minutes before the nurse would THROW open the door to check her vitals. One time the nurse (our favorite) came in quietly and couldn't find M. She jiggled my arm and said, "Where's your baby?" I said, "Underneath me." and rolled off of her. How I didn't smoosh her to smitherines, I have no idea.
Whenever I think of you as looking so young, you go and post a picture of you looking even younger.
I hope he's feeling better soon.
Bless his sweet little heart. I hate ear infections! Hope he's feeling better soon and you can all get caught up on some sleep!
Poor, sweet guy
Poor guy. Hope the meds kick in soon.
(I laughed at Otitis Media, too.)
Thanks for stopping by my place!
Ouch. I hope he's better today.
Poor, poor, kid...I'm sorry for all that sleeplessness.
Oh Kyla, what a great photo. I think I made that face for like six months in a row, marching around the house. I hope you all sleep better tonight.
Ear infections suck BIG TIME. The Boy eventually got tubes. Ick.
Btw, LOVE the new banner! It's gorg.
Hope everyone gets some sleep soon.
As bad as those sleepless nights are at the time I miss them. Just when I miss them I jinx our family and screw myself out of a night of sleep. Sense a pattern? Nicely written.
Both ears?!! That's just not right. Hope he's on the mend.
Poor kid. Ear infections suck.
Pumpkinpie had one last winter and the screaming was insane. But thankfully he didn't vomit, did he? I never understoof why kid tv is on 24 hours a day, but maybe this is why.
GIRL! Since I was on a blogging break and I am assuming his infection is better now I can tell you very lovingly, that you look like a baby mama in that picture. You are way too adorable.
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