BubTar celebrated his SIXTH birthday this weekend, although his real birthday is not until tomorrow. We opted for the park rather than Chuck E. Cheese and it could not have gone more smoothly. It was a perfect day and the kids were free to run and play and the adults actually were able to have conversations! Shocking!
The birthday boy got enough building toys to keep him to keep him busy for six months or so I thought, but he proved me wrong by building all SEVEN Bionicles within the first 24 hours of their arrival. It was like he wasn't even here yesterday outside of the fact that he arrived at the table for meals and periodically called for help with snapping in some of the more difficult pieces. He's still got 2 boxes of Indiana Jones Lego sets, one big tub of Lego pieces and various building plans, a big tub of K'Nex, and a junior Erector set. I think he's hit building set Nirvana. The funny thing is, he's really just discovered this love of building. He was always the type of kid who didn't enjoy toys at all. He had plenty, but none of them saw any action until KayTar came along. She's big into play. Just since Christmas he has discovered that building is something he can do and do well, which is why I think he enjoys it so much. He's a bit of a perfectionist, so sitting down with a formless pile of bricks and an instruction book sets him up for success and he just loves it. He could do it all day and on days like yesterday he does! He also got some clothes (yes, from BORING mom and dad), some really cool books (click on that last link, it is what Julie's little P's picked out for him and might be the coolest book EVER, we've all had fun with it) and a couple gift cards, too. It was an embarrassment of riches to say the least.
We also had family come in from out of town for the party and spend the weekend with us, which why I have been gone from the Blogosphere. Secret blogging and all that. After the party on Saturday, we came home, unloaded the car, let KayTar take a tiny nap (and wake up on the WRONG side of the couch), and went over to my parent's house for swimming and dinner. It was EXHAUSTING. And then at 11pm when I was taking my shower I remembered I had an English quiz due before midnight and I almost cried, because all I wanted to do was pull on my jammies and fall into bed. Sigh. But, I made a 90 so it's all good, I suppose. I think I would have gotten a 100 if my eyes weren't bleeding from being so tired. ;) And that's what I did

The birthday boy says since he already celebrated his sixth birthday, on Tuesday he'll be turning seven. Riiiiiight. Gotta love that logic, though.
PS: Thanks for all the supportive comments on the last post. I'm so nervous I almost want to puke every time I think about it, but it is important and exciting and all the support calms my poor little nervous tummy. So, thanks a million.
Happy Birthday to him! And you, really, what a moment. Your spring birthday looks much, much warmer than the ones we have here in CT - which involve trying to play outside and the kids asking to go in!! Happily, as it was Passover on Friday, real spring has arrived - that seems to be the rule of spring here. Bubtar looks amazingly 6 (not 7, not yet). Thinker turns half of 18 in a few weeks. Sigh.
Happy Birthday Bub. I love birthday party photos! Looks like he had a great time!
Happy birthday!
You do manage a lot don't you? I don't think I could settle down and do a quiz with less than an hour to the deadline!!
Sounds like a great birthday. Dash LOVES building things. He will build with anything, including Popsicle sticks.
Happy birthday to him! Lovely photos.
Happy birthday BubTar!! Great pictures, and what a fantastic day in the park!
I am catching up with everyone today, and just read your post below - WAY TO GO KYLA! You are going to do great, and you will be so proud of yourself once it's done!! As will your bloggy fans! :)
Happy Almost birthday Bubtar!
Woohoo, happy birthday BubTar! Sounds like he might have a futue as an architect! The pool looks glorious, too. what a full weekend!
Happy 6th! Bubtar! Now get some rest Kyla!
Happy Birthday to him! And what a fun looking time - great shots!
Happy birthday to him!
What great photos! It looks like so much fun.
happy birthday to you all. what glorious photos. i love wet kids.
Happy Birthday to the big boy!
Great shots. I love the little polka dot bathing suit.
The best parties are at the park.
Happy Birthday Bub-Tar!! He's quite accomplished to put together those toys by himself....you really do have a young building there -- who will be seven tomorrow!!!
And you will be great at the press conference. You write sooooo well. I'll be praying for you. Congratulations! Sure pray something changes in the insurance picture.
happy birthday to your boy. i love that blowing out the candles shot.
OH Happy Happy Birthday Bubtar! What a wonderful party, Mama. And boy to you have a lot of balls in the air lately. :)
And, there have been many, many days lately that I have wished I have kept my blog a secret so I don't have to be so darn careful of what I say.
Happy Birthday to him! What fun swimming pictures!!
Happy Birthday, Bubtar!
PS. I totally want to build a bionical. Can I come over and have Bub teach me?
Happy Birthday, BubTar!
And Kyla, re your previous post, what a coup. You are SO ready for this.
happy birthday to your sweet little, er, big sev-- uh, six year old boyo. :)
and happy day to you, mama K.
You did a fab event...it was a ball. Kids having the best time...good weather and P1 was crazy for the cake..
Happy b-day again to him.
man i wish it was warm enough to swim here! i love bubtar's hair, by the way. :-)
Happy Birthday sweet guy!!! What a great shot of him blowing his wish into the air!
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