We were on our way out to lunch in this photo. He wanted to take me somewhere fancy, but I said, "No Jean! No need for all of that. The nearest candy store will be fine. I would like an appetizer of Coffee Crisp, an entree of KitKat Chunky, and a platter of Smarties for dessert." And he happily obliged. Such fond memories I have of that day. Sigh.
ETA: NEWS FLASH! Evidently it was Paul Martin and HE LIED TO ME. He totally said he was Jean. And I'm just a little ole American with candy colored stars in her eyes, how was I supposed to know it wasn't really Jean?! The candy luncheon was still delightful, so I'll forgive him just this once.
I've had this photo in my photobucket account (minus the text) for over two years! One of my Canadian friends photoshopped it and sent it to me, but now I cannot remember the context of WHY she photoshopped me into a photo with a former PM. I do remember it being hilarious at the time. When I saw the photo of Janet's hubby with him, I suddenly remembered I had this little gem tucked away. What better time for it than NaBloPoMo, the day after I go all nuclear about healthcare?
Oh Kyla! I can't stop laughing! This is awesome!
Oh Kyla, you are so very, very cute. I will adopt you. I will.
But sweetie? That is not Jean Chretien. It's Paul Martin, Jean's former Finance Minister and arch enemy! He was a PM, though, however briefly so you were still schmoozing with the top dog.
I heart Kyla.
Dude...all those PMs look the same, eh? Haha!
Now I'm totally confused because Unnamed Canadian Friend said it was Jean. Now I have to find a way to creatively edit this....hmmmm....
Yeah, they are all grey haired, blue-suit wearing robots. He kinda looks like bush too, doesn't he?
PS Dont' edit it! I love it just the way it is. You made my day.
So, so funny. I think the wrong PM factor just puts it over the top. (That and the Smarties reference.) Are you SURE you can't just move up here and be my neighbour?
TOO FUNNY! I am LMAO, esp at the "Smarties, y'all!"
And Bub&Pie BACK OFF...Kyla's MY NEIGHBOR! ;)
Using My Words
Coffee out nose - owwwwwww LOL owwwwwwww LOL (you have made my week!)
Good thing you got Mr. Martin because Jean would have made you take a bong hit and then eat so many Smarties you would have exploded. And good thing it wasn't our current PM, because Steve would have stuck you with the tab.
Yes, I think it high time we Canadians staged an intervention, drove down to Texas, and kidnapped y'all to bring you up here. We can all sponsor your immigration like one big collective family. Jean, er Paul, er now Stephen wouldn't mind, would he?
Too much, lol!!!
So funny--I'm chuckling over here, as well. Thanks for the giggle...
Ooooh, nice legs.
That is so funny.
I don't know anything about Canada's prime ministers ever so you could've fooled me with who it was. :)
Girl you just made my day. You are such a hoser poser, or poser hoser or whatever, I am cracking up here.
but who the hell is that with Paul Martin or did you crop in your whole body?
I love this. But yeah, not Jean. I can't believe Paul was so sneaky. But I would have thought you couldn't miss that it was not Jean? He's pretty distinctive...
You can totally partake in my smarties any time, though.
I'm not much a politico myself either. Well done for keeping up the pace though.
Hmmm yummy smarties!!! That pic is too funny!! Now are ya sure he didn't offer you a Dutchie or some timbits?!?!? lmao!
Kyla you will always be an honourary Canuck in my book!!
It's a great shot! :)
LMAO smarties y'all!!
Kyla you slay me.
You are a funny woman! LOL
Please come over to my house and entertain me. I have a never ending supply of Smarties. What are you doing looking at your computer still? I'm waiting...
Paul Martin - yuck. At least Chretien had the French accent going for him!
Too funny!
Yep, you need to move here... where all the Smarties and free health care live, and our prime minister, Paul Martin, rules with a firm but fair hand.
just take me with you - you obviously have the hook up there....i'll even spring for the smarties.
What fun!!! It's a riot!
i could so stuff my face into a box of canadian smarties right now.
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