Today, BubTar when to his first major league baseball game. One of our hometown heroes had his number retired. It was a nice ceremony, and I couldn't help note that this player's conclusion in the game was my son's introduction to it.

Tomorrow, he starts kindergarten. He'll be attending the same private school he attended for Pre-K and he will still be in a half-day program, so it doesn't feel quite as monumental as if we were jumping out of our small pond or starting full day classes, but it is still a milestone. Last year was huge; it was the first time he attended school without me on the premises, but this year, I'll have a kindergartener. Wasn't he just this big?

I swear it was only yesterday.
He's just so beautiful. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.
That first picture made me melt.
It goes so fast...
this is all so huge reading about you moms who's kids are starting this new and wild chapter of your lives.
good luck to you both. he looks gorgeous.
What a big boy!
Wasn't it yesterday? Oof. This is going fast!
Tears in my eyes! Soooo sweet! They grow way to quick!
What are you trying to do to me?! So so sweet. So sweet.
I agree--that first picture (and the last one!) were wonderful. Good luck with this new beginning...!
it was just yesterday. it was. that sweet little face!
I love the sunglasses. He is going to be such a lady killer!
I know what you are saying, they grow way too fast.
Yeah for kindergarten! I wish we had full days, Anna asks all morning "how long till school starts?"
Oh, those photos - they just moved me. I hope he has a great school year.
Change is on the wind these days. Good luck BubTar! (What a cutie!)
I love going to major leagu games!! How much fun!
today is Hailey's first day of pre-k. Same school as infant school but a different side of the building and all the kids are so big.
I cried my eyes out.
And now I'm crying again.
No fair.
I visited when you were heading off to the hospital and I came back to catch up on how everything went. You're very strong.
I love the pictures in this one. I'm a sucker for those kissable baby cheeks.
Oh I love seeing chubby little toddler bubtar. It's hard this growing up thing, isn't it. Although, as much as I cried when Allie started middle school I can not WAIT for Ben to start back to preschool.
I've got tears...the time goes by WAY too fast. M is quickly coming up on her second b'day. Before I know it, she'll be one of the BIG kids at kindergarten!!!! Wow...
Awwwww. Why do they grow up so fast?
That was a great post, Kyla.
Awww...I don't think I have seen very many pics of him that young. Such a a sweetie pie.
You have such a big boy now!! He is going to be a total heartbreaker :)
gah! you made me cry.
Wow, they do grow so fast.
Great post - tears in my eyes - for you and for all of us dealing with changes that seem to be happening to darn fast.
I love this!
How time flies.
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