First round:
Small suitcase
Airplane carry-on
AOL laptop bag
Purse (which no longer fits in my big green bag)
Second round:
Medium sized duffle
Airplane carry-on
AOL laptop bag with purse inside
Third round:
Medium sized duffle (with purse inside)
Airplane carry-on
Is that excessive? This is when the not knowing what to expect eats away at me. I imagine people's reactions to my freaking luggage. I have no clue what normal people bring to the hospital. I've never known we were going in, so I've never had to prepare before.
Yes, I do know that this is called "avoidance" and that I'm "fixating on the bags to distract myself from the anxiety caused by the impending hospitalization". But thanks for checking. ;)
So the goodies list for KayTar includes:
Mr. Potato Head and lots of spare parts
ABC wooden block set
Playdoh (3 colors) and cookie cutters
Construction Paper
Little People animals (she isn't much for the people)
Coloring sheets with her favorite characters
Foam stickers, tons of them.
Flashcards, a few different sets
Cars (I figure we can draw roads on the paper and drive 'em around, or make ramps with books and watch glide)
Playing cards
Goodnight Moon
Guess How Much I Love You
Is Your Mama a Llama?
Five Little Monkeys
Barnyard Dance
(I think I'm forgetting one or two)
Photo album of her favorite people
small magnadoodle
ABC puzzle
Then the laptop, of which we have joint custody, and a few choice DVDs.
So, preschool room in a bag, really. And evidently, preschool rooms are heavy. Just ask Josh, since he'll be the one carrying it. ;)
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, I'm sure it will make all the difference for us. To show our appreciation, KayTar will now preform a trick for you all.

She likes to watch TV that way. My little contortionist.
I'm hoping I'll be able to update, at least at night once she is asleep. Be back soon, I hope.
good luck with it all and that is NOT too much luggage, in my opinion.
and how does she do that!?!?!
Wow. Does she have double-jointed hips?
I'll be thinking about you.
The luggage -- it's great.
Ouch. That looks painful.
Don't worry about the luggage. I am praying for you and your little girl this week. I'll be looking forward to the updates.
Wow. That is one hell of a party trick.
That is totally not too much luggage. The only thing you'll regret is the thing you forget to bring. Also, when you get to the hospital, ask if they have any toys there. Lots of childrens hospitals have volunteer services that offer a toy cart that delivers toys you can borrow for the day.
Thinking of you.
Oh I am the same way.. When I pack, I pack good.. My hubby is always left shaking his head at the amount of luggage I take with me!
Good luck with everything!
And I just tried Kaytar's move while lying here in bed with the laptop and ended up kicking the cat in the head. Poor cat. Also: I'm not that flexible, duh, me.
Wow, Kyla. Sorry I haven't been able to check in for the last few days. I have been thinking about your family a great deal praying that Dean would indeed bypass you.
I realize you're now at the hospital and it looks like you are terrifically prepared. There's another type of playdough type material called Sculptie. You can find it at craft stores like Hobby Lobby or Michael's. It comes in really bright colors and doesn't dry unless you bake it.
Give KayTar a kiss from Ben! BTW, how's your bruised buns? ;)
good luck, all of you.
good luck, good luck, good luck.
I just found your site through jen at One Plus Two. I wish you and KayTar the best of luck during the next several days.
BTW, I don't think what you've planned to pack is too much at all -- particularly considering how much it takes to entertain a 2 year old. (I have a two year old myself so I am experienced in these matters.) ;-)
Good luck to you all! You will be in my prayers. Enjoy your time together. You can always pick up a deck of cards from the gift shop if you need something new to do.
Impressive bendiness!
Good luck with the hospital stay. I hope you get the answers you need.
And, no, that is not too much luggage. I think I had more than that for a similar stay with a 4 month old who didn't need 5000 toys and art projects!
Oh & a lot of hospitals have a play room or a toy check out sort of thing with books, blocks, etc...
I just found you, by way of One Plus Two, and when I saw the shoes in the top right hand corner I said, out loud, "Oh! This is the shoe girl!"
Best of luck to all of you...
Thinking of you Kyla!!
Please let me know if you need anything :)
And Katie is quite the contortionist!!
TOTALLY reasonable.
And ack! Doesn't that freak you out with the leg?
I've been away from your blog for a couple weeks and didn't know about your extended EEG. My daughter had one when she was an infant, I think it was only 24 hours. All that stuff runs together. But that time we were in the hospital for five days and I was lucky because I didn't have to entertain her, she was only 12 weeks old. But if I knew now what I knew then I'd also take lots of my own food and my own pillow. I'll be thinking of you both and keeping you in prayer. Good luck with the entertainment!
Wow, I wow. She needs to teach yoga!
I'll be thinking of you
You can NEVER overpack, in my opinion. Good luck! We're all with you.
That picture of Kaytar is impressive. Have you seen Cirque de Soleil? I would totally make the Boy audition, but flexibility does not run in our family, alas. Still, wouldn't it be cool to be in a circus?? I think so.
I think you would have done well to add Moo, Baa, La, La, La, but otherwise, looks like a good list ;)
Good luck to you and your adorable little contortionist.
Here via Jen (1+2). I just wanted to pop over and wish good luck to you all. I hope you get answers soon.
omg, Bumper and Kaytar should get together and do yoga.
Think of you both and I hope you are home soon xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo all of Casa Bump.
I came here from Jen at one plus two. I hope things work out well for both you and your little girl. It's stressful. I have a special needs daughter and I remember the doctors and tests when she was a baby, wore me out. My baby girl is fifteen now, we survived.
Take care.
I just shuddered a teensy bit when I saw the contortion. Wow. My knees just ache looking at her!
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