Wordless Wednesday: Goodbye Cruel World!
Imagine that you come home from school, and go upstairs to check on your sleeping children. You step out of their bedroom and into the hall, and out of the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse of two small legs, hovering in the air horizontally. You turn to get a better look and...

Then you nearly pass out from laughing so hard.
Oh my, that is so funny. I'm curious about the backstory (and what Kaytar would say about it!)
Oh dear. THIS is exactly the way I've been feeling lately...the expression is priceless!
Oh that is good!
I'm also curious what KayTar had to say about it. So funny!
So she's been reading the biography of Sylvia Plath??
That is TOO funny. Did you happen to ask for the story the next morning? I'd love to hear a little version of what was going on!
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