Friday, January 01, 2010

2009, the year that rocked.

I thought about doing one of my annual wrap up posts this year, I started writing it even, but then I got sidetracked reading my first post of 2009. It was such a hopeful and happy post, full of the joy at the emergence of the child we've gotten to know so well this year. In it, I said this:
I have spent years worrying over her cognitive development. When she was still silent, I wondered if she would ever speak. When she began to speak, I wondered if it would ever be natural for her, or if she would simply parrot and label forever. When her vocabulary began to grow, I worried about her comprehension and cognition. Over the course of the past year, those worries have fallen away, one by one, and what has been left in their wake is an intelligent, well-spoken, beautiful little girl.
According to the post, last New Year's Eve, my friend L looked at me and said, "She's going to be brilliant, you know." And this year, we do know. Everyone who knows her knows. This year she IS brilliant. She has blown our hearts and minds more times than we can count throughout her life and especially over the past year. It is hard to believe, looking at her now, that she was ever that closed-off, lumpy, silent 18 month old, or the 2 year old not yet walking or talking at her party, or the 3 year old who only used scripting. It doesn't seem possible that she was ever anything other than this intelligent, hilarious, joyful, bubbly, amazing kid who is filling every corner of our lives with goodness and light.

2009 was the year we stepped out of the dark cloud cover of the frightening unknown and into a well-lit world that mostly makes sense again. Her developmental gaps have closed, the episodes have tapered off, she hasn't been to the pediatrician in over a semester, most of her specialist appointments are now only an annual event. We don't have a whole lot of answers still, but the questions seem to matter much less now. 2009 gave us back a sense of normal-people normalcy, and though we might never have a life without specialists and tube feeds and a laundry list of medications, this new stage of life with KayTar was well worth the wait. I can hardly wait to see what 2010 holds for us all.

2006, the year this blog began.

2009, the year that rocked.


jo(e) said...

It's been so wonderful to watch this journey. You're an amazing mother.

Karianna said...

So awesome. So, so awesome. I knew it in my heart that KayTar is incredible, but seeing it play out as we all had hoped is just amazing.

moplans said...

You also rocked. Thanks for taking us along with you Kyla. I hope you know how much it has meant to me.

natalie said...

Just so you know, I sat here and cried when I read this. I don't even KNOW you and KayTar, but I'm so stinkin' proud of how much you all have grown and to see how much you have really, TRULY, come out of that darkness that covered your family. I know there are many trials to come (who doesn't have them coming?), but you're so graceful and confident and able that I know you'll handle them just as you've handled the major trials in the past. Thank God for his goodness.

Becca said...

You guys are incredible! I am so happy for you!

Lady M said...

Wishing you a brilliant 2010 as well! I've been following your story since that party at BlogHer 07 with the crazy Canadian chocolate, and I'm thrilled to hear your school progress, KayTar's leaps and bounds, and about your husband and BubTar doing well. Y'all are amazing.

flutter said...

I look forward to being even more amazed by you than I already am

painted maypole said...

so great. Happy New Year!

InTheFastLane said...

She has had a GREAT year! And i am betting on many more to come.

Anonymous said...

ah, much cheerier goodbye to 2009 than mine was, but you certainly deserved a year that rocked! Here's to 2010 & all the new things it will bring!

alejna said...

I'm feeling all choked up. In a good way. It's really amazing how much things have changed.

I'm so glad I've gotten to know you and your brilliant children!

mamatulip said...

Amazing, inspiring. LOVE this, these achievements.